Conference Information
ITSC' 2014: International Conference on Information Technology and Smart City
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Sanya, China
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Call For Papers
International Conference on Information Technology and Smart City(ITSC 2014)is slated to be held from Dec. 19th to 21st, 2014 in Sanya, China.

ITSC 2014 aims to provide a high-level international forum for researchers and engineers to present and discuss recent advances, new techniques and applications in the field of information technology and smart city.

The Conference offers unique opportunity for all the participants to communicate with leading experts in the field. A diverse set of Oral and Poster presentations have been planned to cover the conference theme.

To discuss information technology and smart city, ITSC 2014 invites you to join the largest academic conference to explore more interests in this field. Any original contributions that have not been and are not to be published elsewhere are welcome. Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the conference. All the accepted manuscripts will be published by the world's famous publishing house and submitted to EI Compendex. The excellent papers presented at the conference (after extension) will be recommended for publishing in some International Journals.

Topics include but are not limited to:

Information Technology

Algorithms and Data Structures
Cloud Architectures & Provisions to Optimize Providers' Environments while Guaranteeing Clients' SLAs
Cloud Delivery Models, Models' Optimizations and Associated Architectural Changes
Cloud Security, Privacy and Compliance Challenges
Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence
Computational Simulation and Analysis
Computer Architecture and Computer Aided Design
Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Computer Networks and Security
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Concurrent, Parallel and Distributed Systems
Control Systems and Robotics
Internet of things
Data Mining, Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery
Data Visualization and Virtual Reality
Database and Data Mining
Economic, Security and Sociologic Aspects of Smart Objects
Experiences with Existing Cloud Infrastructure, Services and Uses
Fuzzy Logic and its Application
Green Technologies
Grid Computing and Cluster Computing
Industrial / Power Electronics
information Technology in Biomedicine
Innovative Database Technology and Data processing
Metamodeling, Domain-Specific Modeling, Aspect-Oriented Modeling
Methodologies and Approaches for Information Systems Engineering
Numerical Algorithms and Analysis
Optical Communication
Optoelectronic Information Technology and Systems
Semantic Web, Knowledge Management
Simulation, Modeling, Robotics
Smart Objects and Technologies Information Extraction
Software Engineering

Smart City

Artificial Intelligence Programming Language System
Bio-electronics, Bionanotechnology, and Molecular Nanotechnology
Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices
Embedded System
Industrial and Commercial Applications of Smart Structure Technologies
Intelligent Application System
Intelligent Expert System
Intelligent Human Computer Interface System
Intelligent Materials Processing and Manufacturing
Intelligent Operating System
Intelligent Software Engineering Support Environment
Intelligent Traffic Control
Novel Fabrication Processes
Smart Electronics
Smart Sensor Technology and Measurement Systems
Smart Structures and Integrated Systems
Smart technology and intelligent systems' educational applications
Smart university, smart education and smart corporate training
Application scenarios and real-world deployments and Smart Cities 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-06-09
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