Conference Information
BDAS 2019: International Conference Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures
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Ustron, Poland
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Call For Papers
Databases are present in almost every IT system and collect data describing many areas of human lives and human activity. Collecting and processing of an increasing number of data makes it necessary to use computer architectures and data structures providing high performance and high availability of database systems. Moreover, a vast majority of data require appropriate processing and searching algorithms in order to make the data readable for users and to discover the knowledge that is hidden inside the data.

Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures (BDAS) is a series of conferences that intends to give the state-of-the-art of the research that satisfies the needs of modern, widely understood database systems, architectures, models, structures, and algorithms focused on processing various types of data. The aim of the conference is to reflect the most recent developments of databases and allied techniques used for solving problems in a variety of areas related to database systems, or even go one step forward - beyond the horizon of existing databases, architectures and data structures.

The 15th anniversary BDAS Conference (technically co-sponsored by IEEE) held in Ustron, Poland, is a continuation of the highly successful BDAS conference series started in 2005. The Conference is focused on all aspects of databases. It is intended to have a broad scope, including different kinds of data acquisition, processing and storing. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Big data
Relational databases
Data warehouses and OLAP
Stream databases
Multidimensional databases
Distributed databases 
Fuzzy databases 
Object-oriented databases 
Catalog databases 
Temporal and spatial databases 
Mobile databases
XML and semi-structured data
Query languages and optimization
Metadata management 
Data management in cloud computing
UML in designing databases 
Performance of data processing
Protocols, security and control of data integrity
Databases in the Web
Databases in management and production (MRPII/ERP/PLM)
Business Intelligence
Databases in bioinformatics and biomedicine
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
New applications, systems and usage areas
Knowledge bases
Expert systems and artificial intelligence
Data mining and knowledge discovery
Data extraction and data integration
Image and music processing
Fuzzy sets and rough sets
Multi-agent systems
Social networks
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-01-02
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