Conference Information
ICGCET 2018: International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies
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Conference Date:
Esbjerg, Denmark
Viewed: 6709   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
We welcome original contribution in the areas of engineering and Technology, but are not limited to:

Track 1: Computer Networks and Wireless Communication:

    Antennas and propagation,
    Cross-layer designs,
    Cognitive radio systems and networking,
    Green communication,
    Distributed resource allocation and scheduling,
    Mobile ad-hoc networks,
    Coding and Diversity,
    Multicarrier Communication Systems,
    Next generation networking and wireless systems,
    Routing protocols and QoS,
    Cooperative communications,
    Secure communications and Cryptography,
    Space-Time Codes,
    MIMO and Adaptive antennas,
    Multimedia Information Systems,
    Parallel and Distributed Systems,
    Wireless Sensor Networks,
    Optical Wireless and Communications,
    Acoustic and under water electronics/communication and sonar systems. 

Track 2: Power System & Power Electronics:

    Distributed generation,
    Microgrid and Smart grid,
    Power system modeling and simulation,
    Power system planning and operation,
    Power quality and FACTS Technologies,
    Energy conversion techniques,
    Power electronics and Drives,
    Modeling, Simulation and Control of power converters,
    Power converters for Renewable Energy Systems,
    Power semiconductor switches and soft switching,
    DC/DC converters. 

Track 3: Theoretical Computer Science & Software Systems:

    Algorithmic information theory,
    Computability theory,
    Theory of computation,
    Analysis of algorithms,
    Mathematical logic and Formal languages,
    Compilers, Programming languages,
    Operating systems,
    Database systems,
    Computer architecture,
    Computer networks & Information security,
    Soft computing, Fuzzy Logic and ANN. 

Track 4: Nanotechnology:

    Computational nanotechnology,
    Electronic properties and devices,
    Nanomagnetism and spintronics,
    Nanometrology and instrumentation,
    Nanosensors and other devices,
    Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS),
    Photonic structures and devices,
    Quantum information,
    Surface patterning and imaging. 

Track 5: Information Security and Cyber Security

    Data Governance and Data Leakage prevention,
    Identity managment and Authentication,
    Network and Endpoint Security,
    Incident response management,
    Enterprise Risk management Strategies,
    Information Security Policies and End-user Awareness,
    International Law and cyber security,
    Steganography and steganalysis,
    Digital Forensics,
    Application Security, Web security,
    Mobile Security, Cloud security. 

Track 6: Energy Efficient System in Communication Network

    Energy- and power-constrained network devices,
    Energy Efficient Physical layer concepts,
    Design techniques for energy efficient communications infrastructure,
    Optimization and analysis in green computing and communications,
    Green concepts for future wireless communications, including 5G,
    Energy efficient high speed big data processing,
    Energy efficient networking, communication and protocols,
    Energy efficiency in data center operation,
    Efficient medium access control protocols,
    Energy harvesting concepts for network devices,
    High speed Energy efficient signal processing techniques,
    Energy efficiency in wireless and vehicular networks,
    Wireless energy harvesting techniques and protocols,
    Measurement and modeling of energy consumption. 

Track7: Speech and Pattern Recognition

    Audio, Speech, Image & Video signal processing,
    Signal processing for communications,
    Sparse signal processing,
    Human-computer interfaces,
    Remote sensing,
    Array processing,
    Multidimensional signal processing,
    Wavelets and Filter banks,
    VLSI signal processing,
    Non-linear and Biomedical Signal Processing,
    Learning theory and Pattern recognition, 

Track8:Modern Trends in Electronic System, Control Applications

    Design of Electronic System using Discrete Devices,
    Combinational Logic Design process,
    Circuit optimization for the area or/and performance,
    Electronic design automation (EDA),
    Abstract modeling,
    Electronic system level design tools,
    Embedded electronic system design,
    State-of-the-art integrated circuits design tools,
    Advanced Microsystems Packaging,
    Adaptive controller design,
    RFIDs and Applicatons,
    Feedforward Adaptive Control,
    Feedback Adaptive Control,
    Nonparametric Adaptive Controllers,
    Parametric Adaptive Controllers,
    Design of buck-boost controllers,
    Sliding mode controller applications for DC-DC converters,
    Efficient design of Cycloconverters,
    Variable speed drive applications. 

Track9:Health Care and Pharmacy

    Human-machine Interfaces for Disabled Persons,
    ICT, Ageing and Disability,
    Design and Development of Methodologies for Healthcare IT,
    Mobile Technologies for Healthcare Applications,
    Evaluation and Use of Healthcare IT,
    Healthcare Management Systems,
    Development of Assistive Technology,
    Electronic Health Records and Standards,
    Software Systems in Medicine,
    Pervasive Health Systems and Services,
    e-Health Applications,
    Application of Health Informatics in Clinical Cases,
    Data Visualization,
    Pattern recognition and Machine Learning,
    Practice-based Research Methods for Healthcare IT. 

Track 10:VLSI Design and Systems

    Field-programmable and Reconfigurable Systems,
    System-on-a-Chip Design,
    Application-Specific Low Power,
    VLSI System Design, ASIC,
    System Issues in Complexity,
    Low Power, Power Awareness in VLSI Design,
    Test and Verification,
    Mixed-Signal Design and Analysis,
    Memory designs,High Speed Circuits,MEMS, FET,
    Algorithms for VLSI System Design. 

Track 11: Instrumentation & Control:

    Adaptive/Robust systems and control,
    Aerospace / Flight Control and Surveillance systems,
    Biomedical instrumentation and control,
    Emerging control theory and applications,
    Fractional order systems and control,
    Hybrid systems,
    Intelligent control and instrumentation,
    Robotics and automation,
    Sensors and instrumentation systems,
    PID controllers using FPGA Technology,
    FPGA-based instrumentation. 

Track 12: Applied Computing & Big Data:

    Image processing, Pattern recognition, Big data,
    Data mining, Artificial intelligence,
    Computer vision,
    Computer graphics, Cloud computing,
    Distributed computing,
    Bioinformatics, Semantic web,
    Software engineering, Web technologies,
    E-Learning and E-Governance, Data/Web mining and Knowledge Discovery,
    Data and Information Quality Control. 

Track 13: Business & Technology Management

    Management of Technology Innovation,
    Technologies Clusters and their sustainability,
    Technology for growing economies,
    Patents and commercialisation,
    Entrepreneurship especially in High Technology Segment,
    Environment and Unconventional Energy Development,
    R&D management,
    Auditing and apprising R&D institutions,
    Strategic Management of R&D,
    Managing Hi Tech Labs,
    Financing of Technology Ventures,
    IP issues in Technology is Growing Economies,
    Internationalisation of Technology Research,
    International technology transfer and licensing,
    Emergency of new business models driven by technology,
    Internet based businesses and sustainability.
    Human Resource
    Management Information Science 

Track 14: Natural Language Processing

    Language Translation and Transliteration,
    Ontology-driven NLP,
    Language Tagging with OCR,
    Document Analysis and Understanding,
    Character and symbol recognition,
    Printed/Handwritten Text Recognition,
    Graphics Analysis and Recognition,
    Historical Document and Digital Libraries,
    Text Linguistics,
    Document based Forensics,
    Camera and video based scene Text Analysis,
    Text to speech conversion,
    Natural Language Interfaces,
    Domain-Specific Translators,
    Semantic tagging,
    Morphological Analysis,
    Text Summarization,
    Language Identification,
    Information Extraction and Sentiment Analysis,
    Opinion Mining,
    Information Retrieval. 

Track 15:Algorithm and Data Structures

    Algorithms and Data Structures (Experimentation and Theoretical),
    Algorithmic Game Theory,
    Approximation Algorithms,
    Complexity Theory,
    Graph theory, Drawing and Information Visualization,
    Graph Theory, Communication Networks, and Optimization,
    Parallel and Distributed Computing,
    Computational Learning Theory and Knowledge Discovery,
    Reliability and Security, and Database Theory,
    Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,
    Computational Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory. 

Track 16: Innovative Technologies and Services

    Enabling wireless and mobile technologies for smart cities,
    Intelligent infrastructure,
    Smart healthcare and emergency management and Emergency Services,
    Smart buildings,
    Smart data for social entrepreneurship and community engagement,
    Citizen engagement and smart governance,
    Data privacy and security issues in social networks,
    Smart city theory, modeling, and simulation,
    Sensing and Internet of Things (IoT) for smart cities,
    Smart environment and policy development,
    Open data and big data analytics,
    Application, deployment, test-bed, and experiences in smart cities,
    Sensors and actuators,
    Energy flows, consumption, production ,
    Energy management,
    Digital city and smart growth,
    Cloud computing and network infrastructures to support smart cities,
    Smart economy development,
    Smart city for special needs,
    Smart E-health systems,
    Smart transportation and Pedestrian and bicyclist safety,
    Safety and security systems,
    Advanced communication systems and approaches for smart cities,
    Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies. 

Track 17:Engineering...

    Advanced Energy,
    Fluids Engineering,
    Heat Transfer,
    Design Engineering,
    Materials and Energy Recovery,
    Applied Mechanics,
    Rail Transportation,
    Internal Combustion Engines,
    Environmental Engineering and more... 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-10-08
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