Conference Information
SCSSS 2018: Scandinavian Conference System and Software Safety
Submission Date:
2017-11-08 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Stockholm, Sweden
Viewed: 7712   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The 6th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety, SCSSS-2018 is under development. We aim to repeat the succcess from previous years and also take up feedback from participants to make it even better. 

We are now soliciting proposals for presentations, workshops or tutorials. Presentations are 35 minutes for the plenary day one, or could be part of a workshop if that fits better. A workshop could have a duration of half a day, up to one day. Workshops should be thematic, and proposers are expected to provide speakers from both industry and academia that reflect the chosen theme. We encourage proposers to consider to include plenty of time for discussions (beyond presentations), for example using a world-café or other format that stimulates engagement. Tutorials can be half day or full day on any subject related to the conference. 

We encourage presentations within all areas of system and software safety, e.g.

    Safety and the cloud
    Open source software and Safety
    Continuous Deployment and Functional Safety
    Human role, e.g. controllability in 26262
    Security and Safety
    Availability and Safety
    Reliability and Safety
    Handling of safety requirements, e.g. system/SW and HW/SW interface
    Design and architecture for safe systems
    Safety demonstrations
    Techniques for analysis of safety critical software
    Software engineering for safety systems
    Safety and connected devices (e.g. connected vehicles, IoT)
    Software and Systems safety in heterogenous software ecosystems (e.g. system vs. 3rd party products)
    System safety for different industries
    Management and  Safety culture
    Making legacy systems Safe
    Safety and autonomous systems
    Introducing safety in organizations
    Defining a migration path for safety, in anticipation of safety regulations

    Safety and AI

    Safety and multi actor systems
    Machine learning and safety assessments

Submit your proposal online as soon as possible, but at the latest 25 October 2017.

We also have a limited space for companies that want to exhibit their services or tools. If you are interested in this please contact Nicolas Martin-Vivaldi (Tel: +46 706800521; Email:
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-11-04
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