Conference Information
MSDF 2017: International Symposium on Multimedia Security and Digital Forensics
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Guangzhou, China
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Call For Papers

Multimedia security and digital forensics is an active research area considering the ever-expanding areas including social media and IoT. Digital forensics has become a challenging one as we need more tools that are less pervasive and intervening on well established social platforms. In the last decade a large number of multimedia security and forensic techniques have been proposed. However, most of these solutions adopt very limiting and simplifying working conditions and inappropriate for real-world deployment. The symposium on Multimedia Security and Digital Forensics (MSDF’17) will serve as a platform for researchers to share novel ideas, techniques and communicate with international peers.

Scope and Interests

The symposium will focus on the following subjects of interest, as well as related issues:

(1) Attacks on Visual Captchas
(2) Big Data Analysis for Forensics
(3) Bio-Inspired Multimedia Signal Processing
(4) Biometrics for Multimedia
(5) Compressed Sensing
(6) Content-Protection and Counter-Protection
(7) Counter Forensics
(8) Cryptography, Authentication, Authorization and Usage Control for Multimedia Big Data
(9) Cyber Crime Investigations
(10) Cyber Threat Analysis for Image and Video Data
(11)Data Hiding in Multimedia
(12)Data-Driven Multimedia Forensics and Security
(13)Digital Forensics and Law
(14) Digital Watermarking and Finger Printing
(15) Feature Extraction from Multimedia
(16) Forensic Data Fusion
(17)Forensics on IoT
(18)Hashing for Multimedia Identification
(19)Image and Video Collection Forensics
(20) Incident Response Related to Image and Video Data
(21)Multidimensional Visualization Systems of Multimedia Big Data on Clouds
(22)Multimedia Analysis
(23)Multimedia Content Authentication
(24)Multimedia Evidence Recovery and Validation
(25)Multimedia Forensics
(26)Multimedia Provenance
(27)Multimedia Source Device Identification
(28)Multimedia Web Service Security
(29)Near Copy Detection
(30)Privacy and Security of Social Network
(31)Secure Access to Enterprise Social Media and Shared Accounts
(32)Secure Media Streaming
(33)Secure Multimedia Content Sharing in P2P Network
(34)Secure Multimedia Design
(35)Security and Privacy Management of Multimedia Big Data in Cloud Computing
(36)Security and Privacy of Multimedia Big Data in Sensor Networks
(37)Security and Privacy of Multimedia Data in Mobile Devices
(38)Security and Privacy of The Internet of Things
(39)Security, Privacy and Forensics of Multimedia Big Data
(40)Sensitive Content Detection
(41)Signal Processing for Cryptography and Security Applications
(42)Signal Processing in Encrypted Domain
(43)Social Media Forensics
(44)Steganography and Steganalysis
(45)Surveillance for Forensics and Security Applications
(46)Visual Analytics for Forensics and Security Applications
(47)Visual Cryptography
(48)Visual Information Hiding: Designs and Attacks

Submission and Publication Information

The accepted papers from this workshop will be published by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (EI indexed). Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Papers must be clearly presented in English, must not exceed 10 pages (or 14 pages with the over length charge), including tables, figures, references and appendixes, in Springer LNCS Format with Portable Document Format (.pdf). Please submit your paper at

Papers will be evaluated based on their originality, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation assessed by at least three reviewers from respective research areas.

Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register and present the work at the conference. All accepted papers will be published by Springer LNCS (EI-Indexed). 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-08-05
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