Conference Information
PHM 2017: Prognostics and System Health Management Conference
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Harbin, China
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Call For Papers
Following a series of successful PHM conferences in the past few years, 2017 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference-Harbin (PHM-2017 Harbin) will be held in Harbin, China, from July 9-12, 2017. PHM-2017 Harbin is sponsored by Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), IEEE Reliability Society, and IEEE Harbin Section. PHM-2017 Harbin will continually provide a premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, scientists and scholars in the domains of aeronautics and astronautics, energy and power systems, process industries, computers and telecommunications, and industrial automation to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, concerns, challenges, and solutions in PHM. All the accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Engineering Index (EI).

Topics of Interest

PHM-2017 Harbin is seeking original papers for presentation at the conference. Researchers and participants from academia, industry and government organizations are invited to submit papers on the following topic:


Ø Physics of failure
Ø Sensors and devices
Ø Structural sensing
Ø Modeling and simulation
Ø Data-driven methods
Ø Model-based methods
Ø Multi-sensor fusion principles
Ø Logic/reasoning techniques
Ø Verification, validation, and maturation
Ø Benchmarking
Ø Affordability aspects and business cases for PHM
Ø Standards and methodologies
Systems Design & Implementation

Ø Requirements development
Ø System design & engineering
Ø Automated reconfiguration
Ø Statistical analysis of uncertainty
Ø Component-level PHM
Ø Nondestructive evaluation technologies with PHM utilization
Ø Decision support & simulation
Ø PHM computer-aided engineering technologies/applications
Ø Integrated structural/frame health management

Ø PHM within power smart grid technology
Ø PHM within distributed, networked & cloud computing
Ø PHM for electronics components and systems
Ø PHM within innovative aerospace and defense, appliance, medical, electric vehicle, deep drilling, and energy applications
Ø Fleet/industrial PHM-based Maintenance management
Ø Informed logistics
Ø Lessons learned from PHM

Systems design and integration

With the developments of German Industries 4.0, Industrial Internet of the U.S., and China Manufacturing 2025, the global manufacturing industry is facing a crucial transformation. As the systems become more complex, higher standards on reliability and safety are required. The theme of PHM-2017 Harbin is PHM for new industry architecture. At the conference, Industrial Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), etc., are part of the main focuses. Researchers and practitioners in academia and related industries are cordially invited to join us.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-03-19
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