Conference Information
IRC 2023: IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing
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Laguna Hills, California, USA
Viewed: 12124   Tracked: 2   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
The boundaries between Computer Science and Robotics are continuing to be softened. On one hand computers are continuing to be humanized and a large number of cyber-physical systems are being developed to act upon the physical world. On the other hand the robotic community is looking into the robots of the 21st century that are versatile computing machines with high social impact potential, such as enhance transportation safety, reduce agricultural pesticide use, and improve public safety and crime-fighting efficacy, among other things. The barriers that restrain their diffusion significantly correlate to the complexity of developing their software control systems, which must be reliable, maintainable, intelligent, and safe.

Robotic Computing (RC) addresses the synergetic interaction of computing technologies and robotic technologies. The synergy between Robotics and Computer Science is both realistic and strategic. Their mutual benefit is to make it possible to build and evolve new robotic systems, to reduce their development cost, and to enhance their quality.

Topics related to Computer Science

    Formal methods for analysis and design
    Software architectures
    Middleware infrastructures
    Model-driven engineering
    Component-based engineering
    Software product line engineering
    Data, ontology, and knowledge engineering
    Autonomic computing
    Natural language understanding
    Service oriented computing
    Cloud computing
    Semantic computing
    Multimedia computing
    Internet of Things
    Virtual reality
    Computer security

Topics related to Robotics

    RAMS abilities of robotic systems
    Hardware modeling and abstraction
    Resource awareness
    Sensor fusion, integration
    Place recognition, localization
    Object recognition, tracking
    Scene interpretation
    Robot cognition
    Manipulation, grasping
    Robot kinematics, dynamics
    Motion planning, control
    Task planning, monitoring
    Human-robot Interaction
    Robot simulation
    Multi-robot systems

The Conference is also inviting innovative contributions that discuss the future of the field including, but not limited to:

    What are the challenges to robotic computing?
    What are the main unresolved theoretical and/or methodological controversies?
    What are the stakeholders’ (e.g., industries, public bodies, educators) research and development problems?
    What can be learned from other disciplines and what can they learn from robotic computing?
    What is the real world experience of Robotic Computing over the past 10 years, and how might it continue to evolve as we look toward the next decade?
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-07-09
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