Conference Information
ESMSE 2019: International Conference Embedded System and Mobile Software Engineering Date: |
2019-03-12 |
Notification Date: |
Conference Date: |
2019-04-28 |
Location: |
Hong Kong, China |
Years: |
4 |
Viewed: 13448 Tracked: 10 Attend: 4
Call For Papers
会议城市: 中国香港 是否Ei/ISTP收录: Ei/ISTP双收录 截稿日期: 2017-11-15(EI) 2017-9-15(SCI) 感谢各位作者对ESMSE的支持,第二届论文已进入IEEE Xplore数据库,欢迎作者进行查询。第三届征稿(EI检索 和SCI检索)已正式开始,欢迎广大作者进行投稿。] 会议网址 提交EI检索 论文截稿时间:2017-11-15 Paper submission due: Nov. 15, 2017 会议时间:2018-1-20至21 Conference: January 20-21, 2018 提交SCI检索 论文截稿时间:2017-9-15 Submission Due15,September 2017 预计线上出版:2017-12 Expected publication of the special issue (online)December 2017; 论文正式出版:2018-3 Expected publication of the special issue (print);March 2018 ESMSE旨在为世界各地的研究人员、工程师、学者和专业人士提供一个展示计算机科学与工业工程方面相关研究成果的活动平台。此次大会,参与者可以交流新观点、借鉴实用经验、建立业务或研究的关系和寻找未来的全球合作伙伴。诚邀全世界计算机前沿领域的教授、研究学者、学术科学家等加入并提交论文。 ESMSE论文发表说明: 本次征稿有提交EI检索,或sci检索;会议录用的文章直接出版在IEEE会议论文集,被IEEE Xplore数据库收录并提交EI检索。SCI特刊正在征稿中,提交SCI检索。(SCI特刊所属期刊的影响因子为1.24) Topics: The conference is soliciting research papers in the following areas of interest(but not limited to): (征稿主题如下,但不局限于) Topic 1: Embedded Systems Power/Thermal Aware Design Issues Fault Tolerance and Security Sensor-based Systems and Applications (Heterogeneous) Multi-Core Embedded Systems Operating Systems and Scheduling Embedded Software and Compilers Embedded Systems and Design Methods for Cyber-Physical Systems Reconfigurable Computing Architectures and Software Support Embedded System Architectures Ubiquitous and Distributed Embedded Systems and Networks Sample Text Real-Time Scheduling Timing Analysis Programming Languages and Run-Time Systems Middleware Systems Design and Analysis Tools Communication Networks and Protocols Media Processing and Transmissions Real-Time Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks Energy Aware Real-Time Methods Real-Time Aspects of Databases Sample Text Mobile cloud middleware and open sources Collaboration, management, and mobile cloud administration Mobile cloud knowledge engineering and data mining techniques Virtualization techniques for mobile cloud computing and services Security and privacy enhancements for mobile cloud computing and networking Mobile cloud malware detection and defensive mechanisms Mobile cloud enabled Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) solutions Personal cloud, ad hoc cloud distributed cloud computing and service models Mobile cloud sensing service and crowdsourcing Mobile cloud E-business models, services, and applications Sample Text Mobile development environments and tools Testing and verification in mobile ecosystems Agile development for mobile applications Empirical studies and metrics Maintenance and evolution Mobile patterns, frameworks, and product lines Mobile software refactoring, restructuring, and renovation Mobile program transformation and optimization Practice and experience reports Management of mobile applications User experience of mobile applications Hybrid versus native applications Model-driven development for mobile Application security 联系方式: Ms. Lin Phone:+86-152-1947-9007 QQ:757180074 Email: (EI indexed) (SCI indexed)
Last updated by Xin Yao in 2017-11-12
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