Conference Information
ICACCA 2020: International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication & Automation
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Ghaziabad, UP, India
Viewed: 11466   Tracked: 1   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
ICACCA 2020 aims to provide an international open forum for the researchers in academia and industry from different parts of the world to interact, and exchange their ideas and concepts of their research outcomes that would contribute to the academic community and hence benefit the business, industry and community.

This conference will provide an excellent opportunity for young researchers to expose their work to the international community for intellectual study, critical review and feedback from peers located at different parts of the world. This would help especially the budding researchers to open up new opportunities for research collaboration, consultancy, and community development or contribution. This conference will also provide young researchers with the opportunity to interact with industry, and academic experts looking towards growing their scope and knowledge in terms of strong academic or Industry Capabilities.

This conference is multi-track and features a technical program with significant opportunities for individual and group discussion among a diverse set of participants. The technical sessions will include invited talks by experts, presentation of papers, demos, posters, and pre-conference activities.

The ICACCA 2020 welcomes submissions that have not been published and that are not under review by another conference or journal. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed by the Technical Program Committee and acceptance will be based on originality, technical correctness, relevance and quality. An accepted paper must be presented at the conference. All accepted research papers after being presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings, and will be submitted to be included in **.

Track Detail (Not Limited to….)

Track 1 -High Performance Computing

    Autonomic and Trusted Computing
    Cloud Computing
    Cluster Computing
    Distributed Computing
    Edge and Fog Computing
    Embedded Systems
    Fault- Tolerant Computing
    Grid Computing
    High Performance Data Analytics
    Load Balancing Techniques
    Operating Systems and Compilers
    Parallel & distributed algorithms
    Quantum computing
    Resource Management & Scheduling
    Soft Computing
    VLSI technologies in performance computing

Track  2 – Advances in Communication, Network & Social Network Analysis

    Ad hoc and Wireless networks
    Blockchain and Cyrptocurrency
    Cyber law & Security
    Dynamic Social networks
    Ethical hacking
    High Speed Networks
    Information & System Security
    Internet of Things (IoT)
    Machine to Machine Communication
    Mobile  Computing
    Network Security, Privacy and Trust
    Next Generation Networks
    Open source software in Web Technology
    Software Defined Networks
    Trust networks and evolution
    VR, A, and Next Gen Interactions
    Wireless sensor networks

Track 3 – Intelligent Control System

    Autonomous Vehicles
    Computational Intelligence
    Genetic Algorithms
    Human Machine interface
    Industrial Automation
    Inteligent Transport Systems
    Intelligent control & Intelligent system
    Machine Learning in control applications
    Nanotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing
    Neural Networks based control systems
    Non – conventional and renewable energy sources
    Robot Design,Development & Control
    Robotics and Automation
    Smart Power Systems
    Soft Computing

Track 4 – Artificial Intelligence & Image processing

    Affective Computing
    Artificial Neural Networks
    Biomedical and Healthcare
    Brain Computer Interface
    Compression technique
    Computational Biology
    Computer vision approaches
    Data mining Techniques
    Deep Learning
    Fuzzy logic, and Expert Systems
    Game Theory & Applications
    Image Processing, and Pattern Recognition
    Machine Learning
    Natural Language Processing
    Speech Recognition
    Text Analytics
    Virtual Agents

Track 5 – Cloud Computing

    Big Data Management and Analytics
    Cloud access control and key management
    Cloud Applications
    Cloud as a Service
    Cloud Availability and Reliability
    Cloud Computing Architectures
    Cloud Management and Operations
    Cloud Migration
    Cloud Security and Privacy
    Data Privacy
    Energy Optimisation
    Load Balancing
    Performance of cloud systems & applications
    Scheduling for Resource Optimisation
    Secure Cloud Architecture
    Secure Data Management
    Social & Mobile Clouds

Track 6 – Smart Ecosystems

    Big IoT
    Cyber Physical Systems
    Intelligent Manufacturing
    Smart Building
    Smart City Solutions
    Smart Data QoS
    Smart Data Safety and Security
    Smart Digital life/Smart Education Systems
    Smart Energy
    Smart Enterprise
    Smart Environments
    Smart Factory
    Smart Home
    Smart Mobility
    Smart Production/Industry 4.0
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-04-07
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