Conference Information
SpliTech 2024: International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies
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Split and Bol, Croatia
Viewed: 13354   Tracked: 2   Attend: 4

Call For Papers

Energy Efficiency and Assessment in Buildings/cities with Aplications
- Integration of renewable energy in buildings and cities
- Building retrofit and refurbishment
- Business development and energy services for sustainable buildings and cities
- Low energy architectures
- Energy efficient buildings
- Highly-efficient insulation
- HVAC systems in the building applications
- Novel sustainable building materials and techniques
- Passive heating and cooling
- Sustainable energy management in buildings
- Zero CO2 and energy plus buildings
- Heating and ventilating control systems for reduced energy use
- Building management systems
- Low energy building technology
- Low energy lighting systems
- High-output light LED lighting systems
- Passive solar heating systems.
- Life cycle analysis methodologies
- Tools and life cycle analysis
- Triple-bottom-line analysis
- Energy efficient lighting systems and regulation
- Environmental management systems
- Environmental impact assessment systems
- Environmental Sustainability and Development

Power system operation and planning with smart energy networks
- Smart grid technologies
- Reliability and implications of smart grids for asset management
- Smart grids for efficient integration of renewables and distributed generation
- Large-scale modelling and smart integration of distributed energy sources
- Impact of renewable and distributed generation on networks and security of supply
- Imbalances caused by renewable energies and distributed generation
- Generation and Demand forecasting, modelling and management
- Modelling, analysis and operation of mixed AC-DC power systems
- Impact of new technologies on the power system (FACTS/HVDC)
- Electric vehicle and energy storage applications and system integration
- System balancing, short-term reserve and ancillary services
- Intelligent monitoring and outage management – self healing grids
- Advanced metering, data acquisition and monitoring
- State estimation and situational awareness
- Stability analysis of future networks
- Demand side management
- Reversible hydro generation

Materials, fuels and power storage systems
- Battery systems
- Hybrid energy systems
- Advanced energy systems
- Flywheel systems
- Super-capacitors
- Bio fuel
- Grätzel cells
- Fuel cell technology
- Bio-mass generation schemes
- Stirling cycle engines
- Bio-fuelled diesel generators
- Nanomaterials in energy applications
- Biomaterials in energy applications
- Electronic and magnetic materials

Renewable/clean energy sources and technologies with control and optimisation
- Photovoltaics
- Solar thermal
- Biomass
- Geothermal systems
- Micro-wind turbines
- Horizontal and vertical axis aero-generators
- On-site, off-grid, grid-supplemented generation systems
- Combined heat and power (CHP) and micro-CHP systems
- Smart monitoring and control using intelligent systems
- High-efficiency switching systems
- Highly-efficient voltage conversion systems
- Novel high efficiency distribution systems and low voltage busses

Sustainable Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Green Information Technology (IT) performance
- Environmentally sustainable computing
- Energy-efficient systems
- Sustainable behaviour and ICT in homes and premises
- Sustainable practices in intelligent buildings
- Intelligent systems for sustainability
- Smart, sustainable, and Economy systems
- Processes and cloud computing

Policy perspective and governance on sustainability in energy and buildings
- Environmental policy
- Air pollution policy
- Water pollution policy
- Land management
- Waste management
- Biomass management
- Social aspects
- Green Manufacturing
- Governance of sustainability in energy and buildings
- Green economy and governance
- Green energy and environment
- Regional development
- Financial and regulatory mechanisms models and tools

Engineering Modelling

Computational Electromagnetics
- Electromagnetic compatibility,
- Antennas and propagation,
- Microwaves,
- Wireless Power Transfer,
- Radar Systems,
- Lightning Protection Systems,
- RFiD

Advanced numerical methods
- Advances in computational methods,
- Large-scale problems,
- Finite Element Method (FEM),
- Finite Diference Method (FDM),
- Boundary Element Methods (BEM),
- Combined finite-discrete element method,
- Method of Moments (MoM),
- Hybrid methods

Computational mechanics
- Heat transfer
- Fluid flow
- Solid mechanics,
- Damage mechanics and fracture,
- Vibrations

Civil engineering
- Numerical modelling of materials,
- Numerical modelling of structures
- Numerical modelling in polymer mechanic
- Computational visualization in Engineering
- Computational fluid dynamic

Industrial applications
- Electric vehicles
- Automotive applications
- Urban transport
- Corrosion problems
- Process simulation
- Fusion engineering
- Nanotechnology

Biomedical engineering
- Biomedical applications and engineering solutions
- Biomechanics
- Bioelectromagnetics
- Biomehatronics

Environmental modeling
- Modeling of air pollution
- Renewables
- Photovoltaics
- Wind turbines

Smart Environment / Cities

Theories and Models
- Artificial and Computational Intelligence
- Citizen engagement and smart governance
- Digital city and smart growth
- Environmental capital reduction
- Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction
- Reliability, Privacy and Trust
- Internet of Things, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing
- Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality
- Intelligent infrastructure
- Pedestrian and bicyclist safety; mobility systems
- Smart city theory, modeling and simulation

Technology, Methodologies and Tools
- Agent Technologies
- Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies
- Development Processes and Tools
- Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities
- Networking and Communication
- Open data and big data analytics
- Sensors and Actuators

- Ambient Assisted Living
- Mobility Support
- Robotic Companions
- Energy Effiency
- Intelligent vehicle-to-infrastructure integration
- Support for Productive Collaborations
- Technology Supported Education
- Smart city for Special Needs
- Smart economy development
- Smart environment and policy development
- Smart Farming
- Smart health and emergency management
- Smart home and smart buildings
- Smart manufacturing and logistics
- Smart mobility and transportation

Systems and Infrastructures
- Architecture and Design
- Environmental monitoring technologies
- Intelligent and Smart Spaces
- Safety and security systems
- Satellite systems
- Smart integrated grids
- Smart traffic system operations
- System Architecture and Middleware for Intelligent Environments

Evaluation and Corpora
- Evaluation Paradigms and Campaigns
- Data Acquisition, Labelling and Data Sets
- User Studies and Trials
- Smart city Implementation

Internet of Things
- Applications for the Internet of Things
- Novel quality requirements and their enforcement mechanisms
- Cloud back-ends and resource management for IoT applications
- Reliability, security, timeliness, and robustness considerations in IoT systems
- IoT-motivated cyber-physical, Industrial Internet, and/or embedded system challenges
- Social computing and human-in-the-loop issues
- Sensing, control, and actuation in IoT architectures
- Novel protocols and network abstractions
- Data streaming architectures
- Analytic foundations and theory of the Internet of Things
- Privacy challenges
- Industrial deployment experiences, case studies, and lessons learned
- Evaluation and testbeds

Internet technologies and applications
- Ad-hoc networks
- Big data/Big connectivity
- Data-mining
- Distributed systems/High Performance Computing (HPC)
- e-Business/e-Commerce, e-Learning/e-Society
- Grid Computing
- Internet applications and Services
- Internet hardware and software with algorithms and optimization
- Internet technologies
- Music and audio
- Protocols and standards
- Robotics
- Satellite technologies
- Simulation and Modelling
- System/s failure
- TrafficTraffic policies/Traffic shaping
- Visualisation
- Wireless networks


Medical, Biomedical and Health Informatics
- Electronic medical records (EMR) and electronic prescription
- Data preprocessing, cleansing, management and mining
- Data quality assessment and improvement
- Medical imaging
- Computer-aided detection, hypothesis generation and diagnosis
- Evidence-based medicine
- Evolutionary and longitudinal patient and disease models
- Clinical workflow
- Medication adherence and health monitoring
- Smart health and big data
- Devices
- High-confidence medical devices
- Integration of medical devices with e-Health
- Medical device interoperability
- Wearable devices
- In/on/around-body sensors and actuators
- Biosensors at the micro/nano-scale
- Smart garments/textiles
- Wireless energy transfer
- Energy harvesting

Communications and Networking
- Communication/network infrastructures, architectures and protocols for e-Health
- Antennas and propagation
- Proximity-based communication, group communication and social networks
- Power-efficient communication
- Ultra wideband communication
- Delay-tolerant, fault-tolerant and reliable communication
- Cognitive communication for medical bands
- In-hospital networking, body area networking and cloud-integrated networking
- Software-defined networks and network management
- Nanoscale/molecular communications
- Network coding and error detection/correction

Signal/Data Processing and Systems
- Context awareness and situation awareness
- Image/video processing and computer/robot vision
- Internet of things, Ambient intelligence and pervasive computing
- Augmented reality and human-computer interaction
- Motion detection and activity recognition
- User modeling and personalization
- Robotics for e-Health
- Computing/storage infrastructures for e-Health such as clouds and virtualization
- Software, systems and performance engineering for e-Health

Services and Applications
- e-Health services/applications for physical and mental health; for example, in acute care, chronic care, mental health care, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation, prosthetics, elderly/nursing care, smart homes and hospitals, and rural/wilderness practice
- e-Health services/applications for sports and exercise; for example, in training prescription and feedback, concussion detection/monitoring, life-logging and fitness monitoring
- e-Health services/applications for public health; for example, disease prevention, pandemic preparedness, epidemiological interventions and smart cities
- e-Health services/applications for extreme environments; for example, in fire fighting, disaster response, evacuation assistance, medical triage, space travel/exploration, deep diving and deep sea exploration
- Quality of experience (QoE) with e-Health services/applications
- Security, privacy and trust for e-Health services/applications
- Emerging cloud-based services/applications including health clouds/grids 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-02-01
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