Conference Information
SETA 2014: SEquences and Their Applications
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Melbourne, Australia
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Call For Papers
SETA is the leading international conference in  the areas of sequences and their  applications to communication and cryptography. It has been held in various locations around the world in  Singapore (Republic of Singapore) 1998, Bergen (Norway) 2001, Seoul (South Korea) 2004, Beijing (China) 2006, Lexington (USA) 2008, Paris (France) 2010 and Waterloo (Canada) 2012. The conference provides a forum for the research communities of these domains, and covers all of the fundamental, computational and implementation aspects of these fields. The SETA proceedings will be published by Springer.
The eighth International Conference on Sequences and Their Applications (SETA’14) will be held from November 24 to 28, 2014, in Melbourne, Australia. Previously unpublished papers on all technical aspects of sequences and their applications in communications, cryptography, and combinatorics are solicited for submission to SETA’14. Topics include:

    Randomness of sequences
    Correlation (periodic and aperiodic types) and combinatorial aspects of sequences (difference sets)
    Sequences with applications in coding theory and cryptography
    Sequences over finite fields/rings/function fields
    Linear and nonlinear feedback shift register sequences
    Sequences for radar distance ranging, synchronization, identification, and hardware testing
    Sequences for wireless communication
    Pseudorandom sequence generators
    Correlation and transformation of Boolean functions
    Multidimensional sequences and their correlation properties
    Linear and nonlinear complexity of sequences
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-01-20
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