Conference Information
WiSPNET 2019: International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking
Submission Date:
2019-02-10 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Chennai, India
Viewed: 15589   Tracked: 4   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Prospective authors are invited to submit technical papers of their previously unpublished work. Detailed information about the electronic paper submission process can be found in the FOR PARTICIPANTS or PAPER SUBMISSION section. All presented papers will be submitted to the IEEE for possible inclusion in IEEEXplore®, which will be indexed by (INSPEC, IET), EI Compendex and Scopus. Selected Papers that receive high review scores will be recommended for possible publication in SCI indexed international journals. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to 

Track 1
Antennas and propagation, Communication theory and information theory

    MIMO and multi-antenna communications
    Underlay/overlay systems
    Error control coding including turbo codes, LDPC and iterative decoding
    Multiuser, network, massive and distributed MIMO systems
    Cooperative communications and relaying
    Fundamental limits, information theory for wireless
    Multiple access schemes, multiuser detection
    Interference mitigation and management
    Communication with limited feedback, Precoding and scheduling
    Space-time coding and processing, Interference alignment techniques
    Wireless Communications Powered by Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer
    Spread spectrum systems: UWB, CDMA,MC CDMA, MC DS CDMA
    Information theory
    Adaptive modulation and coding
    Network coding
    Spectrum sensing & dynamic spectrum access
    Detection, equalization, synchronization, estimation
    Performance analysis, field tests and measurements
    Resource allocation and interference management
    Satellite and high altitude platforms
    Antennas and propagation
    Localization techniques
    Physical layer security
    Advanced Multicarrier waveforms: beyond OFDM and filterbank-based schemes
    Radio over fiber techniques
    Wireless channel modelling
    Gigabit wireless communications for 5G
    Millimeter wave and visible light communications
    Cognitive wireless networks
    PHY layer design for cellular, wireless LAN, ad hoc, and sensor networks
    Energy efficient PHY layer design, energy harvesting
    Over-the-air testing
    Cross-layer air interface design
    Ultra wideband, mmWave, and sub-THz communications
    Information-theoretic aspects of wireless communications
    Concepts for 5G and future PMR/PPDR broadband systems
    Signal processing for wireless communications
    Next generation M2M communications for internet of things

Track 2
Networking, protocols, cognitive radio, wireless sensor networks, services and applications

    Ad-hoc and mesh networks
    Cognitive radio networking
    Software defined networking
    Radio resource management and interference control
    ICT applications in smart cities and smart grid
    Homeland security and military communications
    Mobile Internet
    Wireless sensor networks
    Cross layer design
    Wireless routing techniques
    Mobility management
    Green networking and Energy harvesting
    Innovative services and applications
    Implementation concepts and test beds
    Device-to-Device (D2D) Communication
    Delay tolerant networks
    Heterogeneous and small cell networks
    Traffic control and engineering
    Optical wireless and visible light communications
    End-to-End QoS and QoS provisioning
    Cloud-based networking techniques (mobile cloud computing, Cloud-RAN)
    Network virtualization
    Networking techniques for mmWave
    Vehicular Networks (VANETs)
    Machine-to-machine communications and applications
    Wireless MAC protocols for 5G: design, analysis, and optimization
    Cognitive and cooperative MAC
    MAC for mesh, ad hoc, relay, and sensor networks, Scheduling and radio resource management
    Cross-layer MAC design, Software defined radio, RFID MAC, QoS support and energy efficient MAC
    MAC protocol for energy harvesting wireless networks
    MAC protocols for molecular and bacterial nano networks
    MAC design for multi-tier cellular/small cell networks
    Multiple access in machine-to-machine communications
    MAC for cloud radio access networks (Cloud-RANs)
    Wireless personal/body area networks (WPAN/WBAN) and Context awareness
    Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Everthing (IoE)

Track 3
Security and Privacy

    Digital Forensics
    Cloud computing security
    Threat Modelling
    Cyber – physical security
    Applied Cryptography
    Data and application security
    Embedded Systems Security
    Intrusion Detection
    Key Management
    Wireless or mobile security and privacy in health, automotive, avionics, or smart grid applications
    Access Control
    Wireless and mobile privacy and anonymity
    Mobile computing security
    Secure localization and location privacy
    Security Architectures
    Security & Privacy for Smart Devices (e.g., Smartphones)
    Security and privacy for mobile sensing systems
    Trusted computing
    Security solutions in VLSI

Track 4
Signal and Image Processing

    Audio and acoustic signal processing
    Multimedia signal processing
    Bio-inspired image and signal processing
    Nonlinear signal processing
    Design and implementation of signal processing systems
    Image Fusion
    Speech processing
    Image and video processing
    Signal processing theory and methods
    Sensor array, multichannel and communications signal processing
    Machine learning
    Signal processing for education
    Medical image and signal processing
    Signal processing applications
    Compressive Sensing
    VLSI signal processing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-02-03
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