Conference Information
BuildSys 2024: ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments Date: |
2024-07-05 |
Notification Date: |
2024-09-13 |
Conference Date: |
2024-11-17 |
Location: |
Hangzhou, China |
Years: |
11 |
CORE: a Viewed: 20489 Tracked: 6 Attend: 1
Call For Papers
Built environments and critical urban infrastructures account for over half of society's energy consumption and are the mainstay of our nation's economy, security, and health. Advances in the effective integration of networked sensors, building controls, and physical infrastructure are transforming our society. In the information age, unprecedented research of cyber-physical infrastructures includes the acquisition, integration, and analysis of big and heterogeneous data, such as sensors, devices, vehicles, buildings, and humans, to tackle the major issues that cities face, e.g., air pollution, increased energy consumption, unsafe or unproductive human environments, and traffic congestion. Systems optimization, data analysis, and modeling applied to the built environment are particularly important in improving our society, e.g., by increasing its sustainability and enhancing people's quality of life. These systems represent the foundation for emerging “smart cities.” The 11th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys '24) will be held in November 2024 in Hangzhou, China. BuildSys is the premier conference for researchers and practitioners working to develop and optimize smart infrastructure systems that are driven by sophisticated sensing, computing, and control functions. BuildSys '24 will provide a venue for researchers and practitioners to present research results, share experiences, and participate in the development of systems that address the interdependence of buildings, cities, and transportation. We invite submissions of original, previously unpublished work in the following areas: The website of ACM Buildsys 2024 is: Targeted Topics We invite original contributions with topics including, but not limited to, the following: AI/ML, large foundation models, and data analytics for the built environments; Design and operation of low-carbon and sustainable systems in built environment; Applications in smart and connected communities; Modeling, simulation, optimization, and control of heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation, water usage, and other resource flows in built environments; Reliable and scalable occupant information inference in built environments; Emerging standards for data collection, energy control, or interoperability of disparate devices or systems; Building automation system metadata models and inference techniques; Improved user interfaces to built infrastructure; Human in the loop sensing and control for efficient building energy systems; Sensor systems and applications impacting the health, wellness, safety, or comfort of humans in built environments; Enhancing energy efficiency, energy reliability, durability, and comfort via Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things; Sensing, modeling, and predicting for urban infrastructure and transportation; Integration of smart grids with built environments; Distributed generation, alternative energy, renewable sources, and energy storage in buildings; Long-lived and energy-harvesting sensor systems; Security, privacy, safety, and reliability in the context of built environment; Smart building and city technologies and initiatives in developing countries; Vehicle, mobility, and traffic-related technologies. Scalable indoor localization, contextual computing, and city-scale wireless communications;
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-24
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