Conference Information
DataCom 2024: International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing
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Conference Date:
Poznan, Poland
Viewed: 18573   Tracked: 9   Attend: 7

Call For Papers
Big data is a rapidly expanding research area spanning the fields of computer science
and information management, and has become a ubiquitous term in understanding
and solving complex problems in different disciplinary fields such as engineering,
applied mathematics, medicine, computational biology, healthcare, social networks,
finance, business, government, education, transportation and telecommunications.
The goal of DataCom 2024 is to establish an international forum for engineers and
scientists to present their ideas and experiences in the fields of Big Data intelligence
and computing. DataCom 2024 welcomes paper submissions on innovative work from
researchers in academia, industry and government describing original research work in
Big Data.

DataCom 2024 will be held on September 9-13, 2024, co-located with IOV 2024 in
Poznan, Poland. Conferences will be held in hybrid mode.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

▪ The 5Vs of the data landscape: volume, variety, velocity, veracity, value
▪ Big data science and foundations, analytics, visualization and semantics
▪ Software and tools for big data management.
▪ Security, privacy and legal issues specific to big data
▪ Big data economy, QoS and business models
▪ Scientific discovery and business intelligence
▪ Software, hardware and algorithm co-design, high-performance computing
▪ Large-scale recommendation systems and graph analysis
▪ Infrastructures and systems for big data analytics and managements
▪ Middleware and tools for big data analytics and managements
▪ Algorithmic, experimental, prototyping and implementation
▪ Data quality issues: such as validation, metrics, optimizations and consistency
▪ Data-driven innovation, computational modelling and data integration
▪ Data intensive computing theorems and technologies
▪ Big data for advanced manufacturing and productivity
▪ Modelling, simulation and performance evaluation
▪ Green data centers / environmental-friendly perspectives
▪ Computing, scheduling and resource management for sustainability
▪ Complex applications in areas where massive data is generated
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-04-11
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