Conference Information
WCI 2015: International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics
Submission Date:
2015-04-19 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Kochi, Kerala, India
Viewed: 9335   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to WCI 2015. Papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for publication. At least one author should be a woman.

The organizers regard plagiarism as a serious professional misconduct. All submissions will be screened for plagiarism and when identified, the submissions by the same author will be rejected.  A submission SHOULD NOT be intended to get reviews from the Program Committee for the sole purpose of improving on the quality of the paper. A submission implies that the author intends to ultimately register the paper upon a favorable response from the conference organizers.  The Organisers doesn’t encourage withdrawals after the paper is accepted.

Authors should submit their papers online. We use the EDAS system for paper submissions and reviews. Unregistered authors should first create an account on EDAS to log on. Detailed usage instruction on EDAS can be found here.  All submitted papers are subject to a "similarity test" by the EDAS paper similarity checker. Papers achieving a high similarity score will be examined and those that are deemed unacceptable will be rejected/withdrawn without a formal review. The manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format. Please compare all author names in EDAS with the author list in your paper. They must be identical and in the same order. 

Papers must be formatted according to ACM guidelines and style files to fit within 10 pages, including references, diagrams, and appendices if any. A submitted paper must be self-contained and in English.The paper should not contain page numbers or any special headers or footers.

Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to WCI 2015. Papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for publication. At least one author should be a woman.
The organizers regard plagiarism as a serious professional misconduct. All submissions will be screened for plagiarism and when identified, the submissions by the same author will be rejected.  A submission SHOULD NOT be intended to get reviews from the Program Committee for the sole purpose of improving on the quality of the paper. A submission implies that the author intends to ultimately register the paper upon a favorable response from the conference organizers.  The Organisers doesn’t encourage withdrawals after the paper is accepted.

Authors should submit their papers online. We use the EDAS system for paper submissions and reviews. Unregistered authors should first create an account on EDAS to log on. Detailed usage instruction on EDAS can be found here.  All submitted papers are subject to a "similarity test" by the EDAS paper similarity checker. Papers achieving a high similarity score will be examined and those that are deemed unacceptable will be rejected/withdrawn without a formal review. The manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format. Please compare all author names in EDAS with the author list in your paper. They must be identical and in the same order. 

Papers must be formatted according to ACM guidelines and style files to fit within 10 pages, including references, diagrams, and appendices if any. A submitted paper must be self-contained and in English.The paper should not contain page numbers or any special headers or footers.

We welcome submissions in the following areas:

    Connectivity and Communications Technologies for Remote Locations
    Disaster Warning, Avoidance, and Response
    Agricultural Technologies
    Humanitarian Challenges and Opportunities
    Cloud and Big Data Analytics
    Frugal Innovations
    Health Informatics
    Computer Education and Learning Technologies
    Human Computer Interaction
    Assistive Technologies
    Autonomous Systems and Robotics
    Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing
    Online Communications, Collaborative Systems, and Social Networks
    Computational Complexity and Cryptography
    Communication Networks and Distributed Systems
    Control and Automation Systems
    Natural Language Processing
    Data Engineering and Data Mining
    Real Time and Embedded systems
    Multimedia Systems
    Green Computing
    Computational Intelligence 
    Natural Computing 
    Biomedical Imagery
    Image, Video, and Signal Processing
    Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
    Intelligent Systems
    Systems and Software Engineering
    High-Performance Computing
    Security, Trust and Privacy
    e-Commerce, e-Business, e-Government
    Social Informatics
    Women in Informatics
    Management of Computing and Information Systems
    Information Ethics
    Legal Aspects of Computing

All papers that conform to submission guidelines will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. Acceptance of papers will be communicated to authors by email. The authors of the accepted papers will be allowed to make corrections in accordance with the suggestions of the reviewers and submit final camera-ready papers within the stipulated deadline.
All accepted and presented papers will be published in the proceedings and archived in the ACM Digital Library. ​To be published in the proceedings, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full rate. All accepted papers MUST be presented at the conference by one of the authors, or, if none of the authors are able to attend, by a qualified surrogate.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-04-17
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