Conference Information
APMediaCast 2015: Asia Pacific Conference on Multimedia and Broadcasting
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Bali, Indonesia
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Call For Papers
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to 2015 Asia Pacific Conference on Multimedia and Broadcasting (APMediaCast  2015). The conference will be held on 23-25 April 2015, at Grand Inna Kuta Bali Indonesia. This conference is  Technical co-Sponsored by the IEEE Indonesia Communications Society Chapter.  APMediaCast  would like to welcome you to the most famous island in Indonesia, Bali serves beautiful mountain and beaches scenery with warm and friendly people, a vibrant culture and out of this world resorts.

APMediaCast will provide an international forum where industry, researchers and academia will be able to interact and exchange experiences, ideas, and research results surrounding all aspects on quality of experience for current and future Multimedia and Broadcasting technology. The Conference offers unique opportunity for all the participants to communicate with leading experts in the field. To discuss the Multimedia and Broadcasting Technology, APMediaCast invites you to join the conference to explore more interests in this field. Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for presentation at the conference and publication in the conference proceedings.

Accepted papers will be published in the APMediaCast 2015 Conference Proceedings and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore.

Selected papers (after revision) will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication (IJAMC) (approved). This journal is indexed by Scopus, Compindex(Ei), Academic Onefile, and the ACM Digital Library.


Potential topics are solicited in, but not limited to the following topics:

# Multimedia
Media Representation and Algorithms
Multimedia Security and Content Protection
Multimedia Databases, Content Delivery and Transport
Multimedia Authentication
Multimedia Tools and Systems
Multimedia storage, retrieval, and authentication Digital Libraries
Multimedia Content Analysis
Multimedia Indexing, Abstraction, Summarization and Editing
Multimedia Data Mining
Semantic Analysis of Multimedia and Contextual Data
Multimedia Applications and Services
Multi-Camera and Multi-View Systems
Augmented and Virtual Reality, Virtual Environments
Real-Time and Interactive Multimedia Applications
Mobile Multimedia Applications
Multimedia Web Applications
Multimedia Authoring & Personalization

# Signal Processing
Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing
Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing
Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
Sensor Array and Multichannel Systems
Stereoscopic and 3-D Processing
Audio, Image and Video Quality Assessment
Coding and Compression
scalable video coding,
ciphering and authentication

# Broadcasting
Multimedia Broadcasting Systems on the Web
Cloud Broadcasting
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB)
Multimedia Transport/Routing Protocols
Multimedia Communication Systems
Content Delivery Network (CDN)
NextGen Broadcasting – OTT / Hybrid / LTE / Broadband / Cloud
4K / UHD
Multi-Platform Streaming
Satellite / Terrestrial / Cable Broadcasting
Content Security
File-based Management Systems
Networking and transmission mechanisms
wireless and ad hoc network solutions


Paper must be submitted electronically using the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF via the websites. All papers will be peer reviewed. Paper length should be maximum 7 (seven) pages including figures, tables, references, and appendices. Please use the standard IEEE conference proceedings templates for Microsoft Word on A4 size pages founded at

Paper submission process will be managed by using EDAS:
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-11-23
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