Conference Information
PEPM 2025: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation
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Denver, Colorado, USA
CCF: c   CORE: b   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 25013   Tracked: 20   Attend: 5

Call For Papers

The ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM) has a history going back to 1991 and has been held in conjunction with POPL every year since 2006. The origin of PEPM is in the discoveries of practically useful automated techniques for evaluating programs with only partial input. Over time, PEPM has broadened its scope to include a variety of research areas centered around semantics-based program manipulation — the systematic exploitation of treating programs not only as subject to black-box execution, but also as data structures that can be generated, analyzed, and transformed while establishing or maintaining important semantic properties.


In addition to the traditional PEPM topics (see below), PEPM 2025 welcomes submissions in new domains, in particular:

    Semantics based and machine-learning based program synthesis and program optimisation.
    Modeling, analysis, and transformation techniques for distributed and concurrent protocols and programs, such as session types, linear types, and contract specifications.
    More generally, topics of interest for PEPM 2024 include, but are not limited to:
    Program and model manipulation techniques such as: supercompilation, partial evaluation, fusion, on-the-fly program adaptation, active libraries, program inversion, slicing, symbolic execution, refactoring, decompilation, and obfuscation.
    Techniques that treat programs/models as data objects including metaprogramming, generative programming, embedded domain-specific languages, program synthesis by sketching and inductive programming, staged computation, and model-driven program generation and transformation.
    Program analysis techniques that are used to drive program/model manipulation such as: abstract interpretation, termination checking, binding-time analysis, constraint solving, type systems, automated testing and test case generation.
    Application of the above techniques including case studies of program manipulation in real-world (industrial, open-source) projects and software development processes, descriptions of robust tools capable of effectively handling realistic applications, benchmarking. Examples of application domains include legacy program understanding and transformation, DSL implementations, visual languages and end-user programming, scientific computing, middleware frameworks and infrastructure needed for distributed and web-based applications, embedded and resource-limited computation, and security.

This list of categories is not exhaustive, and we encourage submissions describing new theories and applications related to semantics-based program manipulation in general. If you have a question as to whether a potential submission is within the scope of the workshop, please contact the programme co-chairs, Guillaume Allais ( and Annie Liu (

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-09-15
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