Conference Information
RNDM 2024: International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling
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Pompeii, Italy
Viewed: 13846   Tracked: 1   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers from both academia and industry to present the high-quality results in the area of resilient networks design and modeling.

The authors are encouraged to submit via EDAS papers describing original, previously unpublished research results, not currently under review by another conference or journal. All submitted papers will be reviewed. Paper length should not exceed 7 pages formatted according to the IEEE two-column conference template (US Letter format).

Accepted papers are expected to be included in IEEE Xplore.

The topics cover, but are not necessarily limited to the following:

    businesses aspects of resilience,
    cost evaluation of network resilience,
    disaster-resilience of communication networks,
    data plane resiliency methods,
    end-to-end resilience,
    energy efficiency in survivable networks,
    fault and disruption tolerance evaluation,
    fault management, control, and monitoring,
    Future Internet resilience,
    green networks resilience,
    management of survivable content-oriented and cloud-ready networks,
    methods for measurement, evaluation, or validation of resilience,
    modeling different types of failures,
    modeling malicious behavior or attacks on networks,
    models and algorithms of survivable networks design and modeling,
    multilayer networks resilience,
    network dependability,
    network redundancy optimization,
    network resilience vs. economy-related issues,
    new and emerging threats in cloud computing and content-oriented networks,
    optical networks survivability,
    optimization issues in resilient networks design, 
    QoS and QoE in resilient communications,
    performance evaluation of resilient networks,
    recovery of P2P and overlay systems,
    resilient cloud computing architectures/solutions,
    resilient content-oriented networks architectures and solutions,
    resilience of 5G+ networked systems,
    resilience of data centers,
    resilience of emerging communication technologies,
    resilience of multi-domain communications,
    resilience of Software-Defined Networks (SDN),
    resilience of vehicle-to-vehicle communications,
    resilience of wireless networks,
    resilience of wireless-wired communications,
    security-related issues in resilient networks design,
    simulation/emulation techniques for network resilience,
    standardization of network resilience,
    survivability of anycast and multicast networks,
    survivability of converged services (VoIP, IP-TV, Mobile TV),
    survivability of Content Delivery Networks,
    survivability of grid and distributed computing systems,
    theory of network resilience,
    wireless access networks survivability,
    wireless mesh networks survivability. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-05-26
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