Conference Information
WCST 2014: World Congress on Sustainable Technologies
Submission Date:
2014-10-04 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
London, UK
Viewed: 13077   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST-2014) is a multidisciplinary congress, Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE UK/RI Computer Chapter. The WCST bridging efforts across the natural, social and engineering sciences, the environment and development of communities. The congress covers a wide spectrum of topics that relate to sustainability, which includes technical and non-technical research areas. It also encourages sharing new knowledge in the field of sustainable technologies and the environmental impacts.

The objectives of WCST are to provide the opportunities for collaboration and reflection that have the potential to greatly enhance the infrastructure and capacity for conducting and applying art, science and technology for sustainability. The WCST-2014 bridges the gap between academia and industry by creating awareness of current development in sustainable technologies.

The topics in WCST-2014 include but are not confined to the following areas:

Carbon and Emission

    Biomass and Biofuel
    Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
    Ground and Air Source Heating
    Hydroelectric Power
    Nuclear and Radioactive Materials
    Offshore Oil
    Pollution Control
    Power and Utilities
    Power from the Sun (Photovoltaics)
    Rainwater Harvesting
    Recycling and Sewage Treatment
    Solar Heating
    Wave and Tidal Power
    Wind Power


    Environmental Education
    Education and Training
    E-Society (e-Learning, e-Health, e-Medicine, e-Governance, e-Business, e-Art, e-Science) 

Environmental Challenges, Fuel Options and Distributed Generation

    Balancing Supply/Demand
    Carbon Capture and Storage
    Climate Change and Environment
    Distributed Generation and Onsite Power
    Emissions Legislation and Regulation
    Emissions Trading
    Emissions Control Technologies
    Energy Storage
    Flexible Power Generation
    Fuel Trends, Pricing and Availability
    Fuel Mix Choices
    Grid Interconnections
    Landfill Management
    Security of Fuel Supply
    Smart Grid Developments
    Transmission System Integration Optimization
    Towards Zero Carbon Technology

Green Computing

    Advanced IT energy-aware technologies
    Green Computing Geo-energy
    Electronic waste
    Energy Efficient Ethernet
    IT energy management
    Power-aware software
    Power-efficient architectures and chip designs
    Component level power management, e.g., memory, disk.
    Power aware networking
    Smart Grids applications
    Technology as Green Enablers (Grid, Cloud, Data Centers, Virtualization) 

Operation, Optimization and Servicing

    Automation, monitoring, control and electrical systems
    Boiler Upgrades
    Competitive Market Operation
    Diagnostics, Condition Monitoring and Optimization
    Environmental Performance Optimization
    Fleet Management and Performance Optimization
    Improving Prime Mover Economics
    Maintenance Strategies
    Plant Operating Experiences
    Refurbishment, Repowering and Life Extensions
    Servicing, Inspection and Outage Management

Power Plant Technologies

    Boilers and HRSGs
    Clean Coal Technology
    Coal Co-Firing
    Combined Cycle Technology
    Gas Turbine Technology
    Hybrid Power Technologies
    Reciprocating Engines
    Steam Plant Technology
    Supercritical Steam Technology
    Waste to Energy

Renewable Energy Managements, Economics and Environmental Impact

    Climate Change
    Energy from waste
    Environmental assessments
    Environmental issues
    Environmental policies and planning
    Hazardous Chemical
    Innovative use of Renewable Raw Materials
    Offshore pollution and oil spills
    Pollution prevention
    Sustainable waste management technologies
    Sustainability impact assessments and tools 

Sustainable Building Design

    Building Design and System
    Creative Industries
    Industrial Developments
    Low and zero energy houses and buildings
    New Insulation materials and techniques
    New building materials and recycling
    Photovoltaics and Solar Thermal 

Research in Progress

    Ongoing research from undergraduates, graduates/postgraduates and professionals
    Collaborative Research 

Sustainable Energy Technologies

    Bio-energy and Geo-energy
    Energy in Transportation Systems
    Energy Efficiency in Utilization
    Environmental Issues
    Energy Harvesting
    Energy Storage Systems
    Energy Market, Management and Economics
    Energy Resources for Portable Electronics
    Energy Efficiency in Utilization
    Geothermal energy
    Intelligent Energy, Power Transmission Distribution, Interconnects and Protection
    Materials for Energy Resources
    Nanotechnology in Energy
    New Enabling Technologies
    New Materials for Energy Resources
    Magnetic Field Energy Devices
    Off-grid Isolated Energy Systems
    Policy Issues on Renewable Energy
    Power Electronics and Energy Conversion
    Renewable Energy and Biofuels 

Sustainability and Policy

    Sustainable Applications
    Sustainable Development Policy
    Sustainable Innovations
    Sustainable Technology Programme 

Trends, Finance and Planning

    Asset Management
    Carbon Markets and Finance
    Contracts and Legal Issues
    Global and Regional Market Trends
    Independent Power Producer Frameworks
    Notable Project Case Studies
    Nuclear Power
    Power Generation
    Power Project Financing and Capital markets
    Power Policy, Forecasts and Planning
    Privatization Developments
    Project Risk Management and Asset Insurance
    Regulatory Issues
    Security of Supply
    Skills Resource Issues

Waste Management

    Agricultural wastes
    Industrial waste management
    Medical wastes
    Nuclear and hazardous waste
    Mining and mineral wastes
    Waste from electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE)
    Water Treatment and Management 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-09-20
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