Conference Information
ICeND 2017: International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development
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Conference Date:
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Viewed: 13337   Tracked: 1   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
You are invited to participate in The Fifth International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development (ICeND2017) that will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on July 11-13, 2017 as part of The Sixth World Congress on Computing, Engineering and Technology (WCET). The event will be held over three days, with presentations delivered by researchers from the international community, including presentations from keynote speakers and state-of-the-art lectures.

The conference welcome papers on the following (but not limited to) research topics:
Information and Data Management 	
Social Networks
Data Compression 	
Information Content Security
Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Management
Web Services Architecture, Modeling and Design
Semantic Web, Ontologies
Wireless Communications 	
Web Services Security
Mobile Networking, Mobility and Nomadicity 	
Quality of Service, Scalability and Performance
Ubiquitous Computing, Services and Applications 	
Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems
Data Mining 	
Data Management in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks
Computational Intelligence 	
Data Stream Processing in Mobile/Sensor Networks
Biometrics Technologies 	
Indexing and Query Processing for Moving Objects
Forensics, Recognition Technologies and Applications 	
Cryptography and Data Protection
Information Ethics 	
User Interfaces and Usability Issues form Mobile Applications
Fuzzy and Neural Network Systems 	
Mobile Social Networks
Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications 	
Peer-to-Peer Social Networks
Image Processing 	
Sensor Networks and Social Sensing
Distributed and parallel applications 	
Social Search
Internet Modeling 	
Embedded Systems and Software
User Interfaces,Visualization and Modeling 	
Real-Time Systems
XML-Based Languages 	
Multimedia Computing
Network Security 	
Software Engineering
Remote Sensing 	

All registered papers will be published in SDIWC Digital Library, and in the proceedings of the conference.

The conference uses double-blind review by at least two reviewers, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity.

The published proceedings will be submitted for indexing in ResearchBib, ProQuest, ResearchGate, Academia and Google Scholar Databases. In addition, they will be reviewed for possible inclusion within the INSPEC, EI, DBLP, and Microsoft Academic Research Databases. BEST registered papers will be published in one of the following special issues provided that the author do major improvements and extension within the time frame that will be set by the conference and his/her paper is approved by the chief editor
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-11-11
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