Journal Information
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Call For Papers
Aims & Scope

The official journal of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Higher Education Press

Engineering is an international open-access journal that was launched by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) in 2015. Its aims are to provide a high-level platform where cutting-edge advancements in engineering R&D, current major research outputs, and key achievements can be disseminated and shared; to report progress in engineering science, discuss hot topics, areas of interest, challenges, and prospects in engineering development, and consider human and environmental well-being and ethics in engineering; to encourage engineering breakthroughs and innovations that are of profound economic and social importance, enabling them to reach advanced international standards and to become a new productive force, and thereby changing the world, benefiting humanity, and creating a new future.

We are interested in:

(1) News & Hightlights— This section covers engineering news from a global perspective and includes updates on engineering issues of high concern;

(2) Views & Comments— This section is aimed at raising academic debates in scientific and engineering community, encouraging people to express new ideas, and providing a platform for the comments on some comprehensive issues;

(3) Research— This section reports on outstanding research results in the form of research articles, reviews, perspectives, and short communications regarding critical engineering issues, and so on.

All manuscripts must be prepared in English, and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Accepted papers will immediately appear online, and will be translated into Chinese.

The contents of our journal are based on the disciplines covered by the nine CAE divisions:

• Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering
• Information and Electronic Engineering
• Chemical, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering
• Energy and Mining Engineering
• Civil, Hydraulic, and Architecture Engineering
• Agriculture
• Environment&Light and Textile Industries Engineering
• Medical and Health Care
• Engineering Management

Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages.


The CAE is the highest honorary and consultative academic institution in engineering science and technology in China. It consists of more than 800 CAE members, and is devoted to promoting the development of engineering science.

Academic research spearheads the development of engineering science and technology. To better lead engineering development and to provide a high-level international platform for engineering exchanges, the CAE worked with world-renowned engineering experts and scholars to launch Engineering. This initiative has received continuous responses and strong support from UNESCO, the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS) member academies, and celebrated experts and scholars.

The contents of our journal are based on the disciplines covered by the nine CAE divisions:

Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering

    Mechanical engineering
    Weapons science and technology
    Vessel and ocean engineering
    Power and electrical equipment engineering and technologies
    Aeronautics and astronautics
    Transport engineering

Information and Electronic Engineering

    Electronic science and technology
    Information and communication engineering
    Optical engineering and technology
    Computer science and technology
    Instrument science and technology
    Control science and technology

Chemical, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering

    Chemical engineering and technology
    Materials science and engineering
    Metallurgical engineering and technology

Energy and Mining Engineering

    Nuclear science, technology, and engineering
    Energy and electric science, technology, and engineering
    Mining science, technology, and engineering
    Geological resource science, technology, and engineering

Civil, Hydraulic, and Architecture Engineering

    Civil engineering
    Mapping engineering
    Urban & rural planning and landscaping
    Water conservancy engineering
    Architecture engineering

Environment & Light and Textile Industries Engineering

    Environmental science and technology
    Environmental engineering
    Meteorological science
    Food science and engineering
    Light industry technology and engineering
    Textile science and engineering
    Marine science and engineering


    Crop science
    Agro-biological engineering
    Agricultural engineering
    Forestry engineering
    Agricultural resources
    Animal husbandry
    Plant protection
    Veterinary science
    Applied ecology

Medical and Health Care

    Basic medicine
    Medical informatics and biomedical engineering
    Clinical medicine
    Oral medicine
    Traditional Chinese medicine
    Public health & preventive medicine
    Pharmaceutical engineering

Engineering Management
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-01
Special Issues
Special Issue on Glycomedicine: Unraveling the Paracentral Dogma
Submission Date: 2025-04-30

The advancing field of glycobiology highlights the crucial roles of glycans in physiology and pathology, including structure, energy, and signaling, suggesting a potential "Paracentral Dogma" among DNA, RNA, proteins, glycans, and lipids. To explore these pivotal functions in disease mechanisms, we invite submissions for “GlycoMedicine: Unveiling the Paracentral Dogma”. Topics include: • Glycan sequencing and data decoding • Structural characteristics and coding rules of glycans in biological processes • Glycan functions in biological processes, including methylation, phosphorylation, histone modification, ubiquitination, lipidomics, and RNA modifications • Key mechanisms of glycans in tumor regulation, immune disorders, and infectious diseases Guest editors: Prof. Wei Wang, MD, PhD, FFPH, FRSB, FRSM Shantou University Medical College, Zhuhai, China Edith Cowan University, Joondalup WA, Australia (Genetics, public health, genomics, glycomics); Dr. Xingang Li, MD, PhD Edith Cowan University, Joondalup WA, Australia (Genomics, epigenomics, glycomics, bioinformatics). Manuscript submission information: The authors are invited to follow the link “Submit your Paper”, located in the main page of the Journal website, and submit manuscript to Article Type “VSI: Glycomedicine” in Editorial Manager System. Only original manuscripts can be submitted, according to the “Guide for Authors” published on Engineering website at Deadline for manuscript submission: April 30, 2025 Deadline for editorial acceptance: June 30, 2025 Keywords: Glycomedicine, glycan, glycosylation, glycomics, Why publish in this Special Issue? Special Issue articles are published together on ScienceDirect, making it incredibly easy for other researchers to discover your work. Special content articles are downloaded on ScienceDirect twice as often within the first 24 months than articles published in regular issues. Special content articles attract 20% more citations in the first 24 months than articles published in regular issues. All articles in this special issue will be reviewed by no fewer than two independent experts to ensure the quality, originality and novelty of the work published.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-01
Special Issue on Development of Gut Microbiome-Targeted Foods and Drugs
Submission Date: 2025-05-30

The study of the intestinal microbiome, initiated in the 1960s, remains a crucial topic in life sciences. It is well-established that the microbiome, along with genetics, environment, lifestyle, and diet, influences human health. This has spurred research on microbiome-targeted foods and drugs. Translating basic microbiome research into practical health applications is vital for fields like food science, biology, and pharmaceuticals. However, challenges persist in understanding intestinal homeostasis, constructing artificial microbiota, utilizing AI for microbiome data, engineering specific microorganisms, and evaluating their efficacy. This topic aims to explore these issues, promote precision nutrition and medicine, and offer new ideas for protecting human health. Guest editors: Editorial Board of the Special Issue: Special Issue Editors-in-Chief Prof. Wei Chen, PhD Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China (Probiotics, Food Microbiology, Nutrition) Prof. Paul Ross, PhD University College Cork, Cork, Ireland (Bacteriophage, Gut pathogens, Gut microbiome) Executive Editor: Prof. Qixiao Zhai, PhD Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China Prof. Hao Wu, PhD Fudan University, Shanghai, China Prof. Shi Huang, PhD The University of Hong Kong, Hongkong, China Prof. Karina Bivar Xavier, PhD Gulbenkian Institute of Science, Portugal Prof. Ophelia S. Venturelli, PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Prof. Dan Knights, PhD University of Minnesota, USA Manuscript submission information: The authors are invited to follow the link “Submit your Paper”, located in the main page of the Journal website, and submit manuscript to Article Type “VSI: Microbiome, Food & Drug” in Engineering: Deadline for manuscript submission: May 30, 2025 Deadline for editorial acceptance: September 30, 2025 Paper Length Limitations- Research Article: ~6,000 words; - Review: ~10,000 words; - Views & Comments: 1,000–2,000 words. Keywords: Gut Microbiome; Human Health; Artificial Microbiota; Engineered Microorganisms; Multi-omics Why publish in this Special Issue? Special Issue articles are published together on ScienceDirect, making it incredibly easy for other researchers to discover your work. Special content articles are downloaded on ScienceDirect twice as often within the first 24 months than articles published in regular issues. Special content articles attract 20% more citations in the first 24 months than articles published in regular issues. All articles in this special issue will be reviewed by no fewer than two independent experts to ensure the quality, originality and novelty of the work published.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-01
Special Issue on Green Aviation Propulsion
Submission Date: 2025-05-30

Green aviation propulsion plays an important role in green aviation industries with the potential significant CO2 emission reduction. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has set an ambitious target to reduce carbon emissions from the air transportation industry by 50% by 2050 compared to 2005, and therefore the governments, academia, industry and other organizations of different countries are eager to explore new energy and propulsion technologies for low emission green aviation industries. The special issue of ENGINEERING aims at presenting to readers the very recent progresses and promising future developments of green aviation propulsion technologies. Authors are welcome to contribute your newly research results or reviews on the relevant areas. The topics of the special issue should include but are not limited in theoretical, simulation, experimental, reviewing, strategic and policy, economic, newly conceptional research results on green aviation, green aviation powers, high efficiency aero-engines, hybrid electric propulsion technology, relevant materials and engineering technologies, sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), hydrogen production and storage, high capacitance batteries, hydrogen combustion, hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen safety, and any other low carbon emission aviation powers and technologies. Guest editors: Prof. Qiao Xiang, PhD Aero Engine Corporation of China, Beijing, China (Hydrogen Aviation Propulsion, Aircraft Engine); Prof. Germano Tremiliosi-Filho, PhD Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (Hydrogen Energy); Prof. Zhi Tao, PhD Beihang University, Beijing, China (Aircraft Engine, Distributed Electric Propulsion); Prof. YiMin Xuan, PhD Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China (Engineering Thermophysics, Aircraft Engine); Associate Prof. Pei-Chen Su, PhD Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (hydrogen and fuel cells, thin films and coatings, solid oxide cells); Prof. XunGang Diao, PhD Beihang University, Beijing, China (Aviation Hydrogen Energy); Dr. Xiao-Yu Hu, Master Aero Engine Corporation of China, Beijing, China (Aircraft Engine); Prof. Evangelos Hristoforou, PhD National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece (Hydrogen Energy and SAF); Prof. Hock Chuan Daniel Chua, PhD National University of Singapore, Singapore (Hydrogen Fuel Cell). Manuscript submission information: This Special Issue relates to the Engineering Conference On Green Aviation Propulsion, 11/ 6/ 2024, Chengdu, Sichuan. Only original manuscripts can be submitted, according to the “Guide for Authors” published on the Engineering website at The authors are invited to follow the link “Submit your Paper”, located in the main page of the Journal website, and submit manuscript to Article Type “VSI: Green Aviation Propulsion” in Engineering. Deadline for manuscript submission: May 30, 2025Deadline for editorial acceptance: September 30, 2025 Paper Length Limitations - Research Article: ~6,000 words; - Review: ~10,000 words; - Views & Comments: 1,000–2,000 words. Keywords: Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF); Hydrogen Combustion Engines; Hydrogen Fuel Cells; Low Carbon Emission Aviation Powers
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-01
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