Conference Information
LCPC 2023: International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing
Submission Date:
2023-09-04 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Lexington, Kentucky, USA
QUALIS: b4   Viewed: 16785   Tracked: 5   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
 Since its founding in 1988, LCPC has been a leading venue for presentation of research and discussions related to languages and compilers for parallel computing. The scope continues to include various topics related to parallel computing, such as programming models, program analysis and transformations, runtime systems and execution models, and application-oriented software tools and libraries. Although LCPC originally centered on scientific computing, the domain of interest has long been any system in which parallel processing plays a key role, from mobile computing to big data. In addition, this year we are acknowledging a now clear trend by explicitly encouraging contributions involving the use of trained AI methods -- for example, use of GPT for code generation.

For Authors

Previous LCPC proceedings are available from Springer, and that link will also lead you to the LCPC 2023 proceedings when the final papers have been published by Springer some months after the workshop. We plan to provide electronic access to an informal proceedings at the workshop. This year, there are three types of papers that you can submit:

    Regular paper (12-15 pages)
    Short paper (6-11 pages; not limited to 8 as original call stated)
    Panel overview (4-11 pages; not limited to 8 as original call stated) 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-09-01
Acceptance Ratio
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