Conference Information
CGamesUSA 2015: International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Interactive Multimedia, Educational & Serious Games
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Viewed: 11928   Tracked: 2   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
CGAMES 2015 conference is in a Technical Co-Sponsorship with IEEE Society and the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on SIMULATION (TCSIM) has endorsed the conference.

The conference proceedings will be included in CSDL and IEEE Xplore digital libraries. In addition, it will be indexed in INSPEC and ISTP.

Welcome to CGAMES 2015 International Computer Games Conference, now in its 15th year, is acknowledged as one of the leading research conferences devoted to advancing the theory and practice of computer games development. It is organised by the University of Wolverhampton, UK, in association with the University of Louisville and the IEEE TCSIM Computer Society. The conference website can be found at

The International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Interactive Multimedia, Virtual Worlds & Serious Games organised by The University of Wolverhampton, UK, is one of the leading research conferences devoted to the advancement of the theory and practice of games development. It brings together an international community of experts to discuss the state-of-the-art in computer games research, perspectives of future developments and innovative applications relevant to games development and related areas. Past conferences have attracted hundreds of participants from the industry and the academia from around the globe

The main aim of the conference is to bring together researchers, games developers, sound, graphics, video, and animation developers, education and training industry from around the world to exchange ideas on design methods, research and development, and development methodologies that are beneficial to the computer games industry and the academia. For each event the theme has been chosen to reflect the major changes in the way in which digital games are developed and played.

We hope that you will plan to join us in Louisville, Kentucky in July 2015.

For more information and enquires, please contact the conference administrator:


Early Registration begins on the evening of 26th July 2015. The following 3 days are all day sessions and the conference dinner is normally held on the second of these two days.

Call for Papers

You are invited to submit a paper on any topic related to computer games design, development and education, and particularly papers covering the use of AI for modelling and programming “believable characters”, mobile games, and multiplayer on-line, educational and serious games. We strongly encourage the submission of papers related to the design and the experiments of original type of games, in particular in the fields of serious games, ubiquitous, mobile, cross media platforms and massively multiplayer on line games.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-05-10
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