Conference Information
GPC 2024: International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing
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Macao, China
CORE: c   QUALIS: b3   Viewed: 32096   Tracked: 14   Attend: 10

Call For Papers

Green computing, in the context of cloud and pervasive computing, is an emerging research field in computer science and engineering. Pervasive and cloud computing are promising paradigms that have been seeing exponential growth in the deployments and poised to take major roles in human's daily life. But in order to realize this potential, both are facing the critical challenges related to energy consumption, for example, controlling the energy spent by the large-scale data centers and prolonging the battery life of mobile devices in pervasive computing and Internet of Things (IoT). New concepts and technologies such as mobile cloud computing (MCC), software-defined networking (SDN), Edge / Fog and hybrid cloud services can be explored to make data centers and wireless devices more energy efficient.

The 19th International Conference on Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing (GPC 2024) focuses on pervasive and environmentally sustainable computing. GPC 2024 will be held on 27th-30th September 2024 at Macao, China, and will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss and exchange novel ideas, results, experiences and work-in-process on the Green, Pervasive, and Cloud Computing.

Scope and Topics

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

        Pervasive and Green Computing

        Ubiquitous computing and mobile human-computer interaction
        Intelligent digital health care, education, media games, etc.
        Smart factory and intelligent industry
        Smart building and smart home
        Smart grid applications
        Social network and services
        Green urban computing

        Wireless and Ubiquitous Networking

        Energy efficient communication
        Millimeter-wave and terahertz communication
        Ubiquitous communications and networks
        Internet architecture
        Vehicular Networks
        Robotic and drone-based networking

        Mobile Sensing and Computing

        Applications of machine learning to mobile / wireless research
        Implanted and wearable sensing and computing
        Mobile data science and analysis
        Mobile human-computer interaction
        Mobile systems for smart spaces
        Mobile health, web, video, virtual reality, and other applications
        Embedded and energy-harvesting systems

        Edge Intelligence

        Cloud, edge / fog, cluster, and grid computing systems
        Robotic and drone-based networking
        Low-latency and energy-aware processing
        Artificial intelligent in distributed computing systems
        Model compression
        Fault tolerance, reliability and survivability in edge computing
        Information security and privacy in edge computing

        Cyber-Physical-Social Systems

        Socially-aware computing
        Green cyber-physical systems
        Human-machine intelligence
        Human-in-the-loop computing
        Human-centered computing
        Security and privacy issues
        Context-aware systems

        Industrial Digitization and Applications

        Internet of things
        Big data and digital twin
        Infrastructure softwarization
        Self-organization and organic computing
        Economy and business models for industry applications
        Service level agreements (SLAs) guarantee
        Hardware and software reliability, verification and testing
        Incentives and innovative pricing for the management of cloud resources
        Artificial intelligence techniques in network and system security and privacy
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-31
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