Conference Information
EUC 2024: International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
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Sanya, China
CORE: c   QUALIS: b2   Viewed: 25364   Tracked: 5   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

Embedded and ubiquitous computing represent a paradigm designed to deliver continuous computing and communication services to end users universally and perpetually. These systems are currently permeating every aspect of our daily lives, poised to revolutionize our existence in a way much more profound than even the introduction of electric motors or personal computers. The inception of this technology stems from the intersection of research and technological advancements across a spectrum of disciplines, encompassing embedded systems, pervasive computing, communication technologies, wireless networks, mobile computing, distributed computing, and agent technologies. Embedded and pervasive computing have evolved into pivotal technologies shaping the trajectory of future research and development efforts in various academic and industrial sectors.

Among a series of highly successful International Conferences on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), the EUC 2024 conference is the 22nd edition of a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to address the profound challenges that arise and to present and discuss their new ideas, research results, applications, and experiences on all aspects of embedded and ubiquitous computing. IEEE EUC 2024 is sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, and IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC).

The 2024 Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2024) will offer a prominent and cutting-edge platform for researchers, engineers, and practitioners to showcase state-of-the-art advancements and innovations in theoretical foundations, systems, infrastructure, tools, testbeds, and applications within the field of EUC. Additionally, the conference aims to identify emerging research topics and delineate the future trajectory of the discipline.

Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers to EUC 2024. Accepted papers will be submitted for possible inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. The authors of selected best papers will be invited post conference to extend their contributions for special issues of prestigious journals to be planned in conjunction with the conference.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Track 1: Data analysis and data management for embedded and ubiquitous computing

•Data management tools
•In-network query and processing
•Data mining and knowledge discovery
•High-performance data analytics tools and systems
•Integration of big data analytics in accurate decision-making and control application case studies

Track 2: Applications for embedded and ubiquitous computing

•Real-time and critical applications for embedded systems
•Information systems and data management for embedded systems
•Multimedia and consumer electronics applications
•Transportation application: automotive, avionics, etc
•Novel applications for reconfigurable computing
•Cloud computing for mobile systems
•Intelligent sensors
•Pervasive systems

Track 3: Parallel and distributed systems

•Distributed computing on embedded devices
•Programming paradigms
•Languages and compilers
•Middleware and virtual machines
•Privacy in mobile and wireless communications
•Privacy in e-commerce and e-government
•Agents and distributed computing
•Middleware and peer-to-peer computing
•Offloading computations

Track 4: Enhanced living environments and smart habitats for older adults

•Design and development of smart support furniture and habitats, including multi-disciplinary work spreading domains such as health care, psychology, ergonomics, construction, etc
•Design and development of innovative ICT solutions integrated into smart support furniture and habitat environments
•Smart support furniture and habitat environments for active aging
•Sensing and monitoring, including identification and sensing technologies, risks detection, activity recognition, tele-mobile monitoring, diet and exercise monitoring, drugs monitoring, vital signs supervision, identification of daily activities
•ICT instrumentation and middleware support for smart environments: mobile Ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks, RFID and 2-D codes for real-world labelling, smart sensors, wearable computing, custom made internet-connected objects, semantic middleware infrastructures
•Architectures and Platforms: smart homes and supervised homes, hospital communication management for ambient assisted living, living labs

Track 5: Mobile systems and applications for embedded and ubiquitous computing

•Mobile and ubiquitous computing architecture
•Tools for building and measuring mobile systems
•Innovative embedded, wearable or mobile devices
•Systems for location and context sensing and awareness
•Tools for building and measuring mobile and pervasive systems
•Wireless sensor network protocols

Track 6: Security, safety and reliability/dependability

•Cryptography, authentication, and privacy protection algorithms, protocols, architectures, and frameworks
•Malicious attack detection, analysis, and prevention
•Fault prevention, removal, forecasting, and tolerance of embedded and ubiquitous computing systems
•Verification, testing, and diagnosis tools and frameworks
•Security, privacy, safety, and dependability for IoT, CPS, mobile computing, wireless sensor networks, etc
•Physical-layer security threats and countermeasures in embedded systems

Track 7: Hardware architectures and design tools

•Reconfigurable architectures (e.g., FPGAs, CGRAs)
•System-level, high-level, and RTL/Logic synthesis
•Efficient hardware implementation for ubiquitous algorithms/computing
•Application-specific processors and platforms for ubiquitous computing
•Prototyping and simulation of ubiquitous and embedded applications
•Simulation and validation of mixed hardware/software systems

Track 8: Software and programming tools for embedded and ubiquitous computing

•Prototyping and simulation of ubiquitous and embedded applications
•Programming paradigms, languages, aspects of modeling and specification
•Software and system architectures, including compilers, memory management, virtual machines, scheduling, operating systems, middleware, and code generation, etc
•Modeling, analysis, and optimization of performance aspects such as timing, memory usage, energy, QoS, and reliability
•Formal methods and verification, model driven design and implementation
•Human-computer interaction and human-in-loop systems
•Power-aware and green embedded and ubiquitous computing
•Embedded and ubiquitous computing applications, cyber-physical systems, such as electric vehicle, power grid, sensing and monitoring
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-05-20
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