Conference Information
ITAIC 2019: International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Chongqing, China
Viewed: 21021   Tracked: 5   Attend: 3

Call For Papers
We invite research papers, workshop proposals, and panel proposals on, but not limited to, the following topics:

Topic 1: Information Technology and Computer Science
    Management Information Systems
    Distributed Computer System
    Computer Networks and Communication
    Information Storage
    Trusted Computing and Fault-Tolerant Computing
    Operating System
    Software Engineering
    Information Security
    Web Technology

Topic 2: Artificial Intelligence ,Automation and Control
    NC programming technology
    Mechatronics System Engineering
    Intelligent Instrumentation and Detection Technology
    Automation in Mechanical Manufacturing
    Automation Control System
    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    Intelligent System Design
    Intelligent Decision Support
    Intelligent Robot

Topic 3: Machine Learning
    Active Learning
    Case-based Reasoning
    Cost-Sensitive Learning
    Data Mining
    Deep Learning
    Ensemble Methods
    Evolutionary Computation
    Feature Selection/Construction
    Kernel Methods
    Learning Graphical Models
    Learning Preferences or Rankings
    Learning Theory
    Machine Learning
    Neural Networks
    Online Learning
    Reinforcement Learning
    Relational Learning
    Semi-Supervised/Unsupervised Learning
    Structured Learning
    Time-series/Data Streams
    Transfer, Adaptation, Multi-task Learning

Topic 4: Communication and Networking
    Computer Networks
    Network Security
    Network Communications
    Biometric Sensors and Identification
    Wearable Technology and Body Sensor Networks
    Brain Informatics Sensing and Processing
    Social Computing, Social Internet of Things and Swarm Intelligence Networks
    Human-centric Cyber-Physical Systems
    Internet of Thinking and Creation
    Crowd Sensing, Sourcing and Wisdom
    Affective Computing
    Brain-Computer Interface/Brain-Machine Interface
    IoP System Modeling, Simulation and Optimization
    e-Learning and MOOCs
    Mobile and Smart Healthcare
    Deep Learning and Urban Computing
    IoP Applications, Implementation,Exploitation and Challenges
    Security, Privacy and Trust Issues in IoP
    IoP Social and Ethical Issues

Topic 5: Electronic and Embedded Systems
    Modern Circuit Theory and Applications
    DSP real-time encoding technology and signal
    Computational Electromagnetics and Electromagnetic Simulation Technology
    Micro-optoelectronic Device Technology
    Embedded Systems
    Sensor Research
    Antenna Technology
    RF Components

Topic 6: Applied Mathematics, Computational Methods and Algorithms, Data and Signal Processing
    Linear and Nonlinear Programming
    Fuzzy Optimization
    Algorithm design and optimization
    Complex Network Systems Theory and its Applications
    Computer Vision
    Image Processing
    Audio/Speech Processing and Coding
    Signal Processing for Communications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-12-15
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Natural Language Processing ResearchAtlantis Press
Information and Software Technology3.800Elsevier
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability1.500John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Journal of Biomedical Informatics4.000Elsevier
Human-centric Computing and Information SciencesSpringer
IEEE Internet of Things Journal8.200IEEE
Journal of Web Semantics2.100Elsevier