Conference Information
PRIB 2014: International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics
Submission Date:
2014-03-16 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Stockholm, Sweden
Viewed: 11526   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
PRIB aims to bring together researchers, practitioners and students from around the world to discuss pattern recognition methods and applications in bioinformatics and life sciences. Papers can be submitted to two tracks: journal track and proceedings track.

Journal track: Papers must be prepared following the guidelines of BMC Bioinformatics. Papers should be no longer than 12 pages. Abstract of the papers and their full versions should be submitted in PDF format on the PRIB Easy Chair conference system.

Proceedings track: Papers must be prepared following the guidelines of the Springer series of Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics. Papers should be no longer than 12 pages. Papers should be submitted in PDF format on the PRIB Easy Chair conference system.

Accepted papers for the journal track will be published in the “BMC Bioinformatics” journal PRIB supplement, with the authors responsible for the publication costs (see conference website for details). Accepted papers for the proceedings track (short abstracts and regular papers) will be published in the PRIB proceedings, Springer LNBI series, with no publication costs.

At least one authors of each accepted paper must register to the conference before the 15th of May 2014. Accepted papers without a registered author will not be published.

Inquiries can be made to
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-02-28
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