Información de la conferencia
M&N 2024: IEEE International Symposium on Measurements and Networking
Día de Entrega:
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Rome, Italy
Vistas: 2127   Seguidores: 0   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
Following the success of the first six editions, the 7th IEEE International Symposium M&N 2024 aims to be a forum for researchers and practitioners from industry, academia, government and standardization bodies in the areas of measurement, networking, communications, wireless systems, sensor networks, and IoT, and to foster discussion on the reciprocal role of measurements for networking and networking for measurements. IEEE M&N 2024 will be held at the ancient building of the Engineering Faculty of the University of Rome “Sapienza”. This university, founded in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII, is one of the oldest universities in the world and the second largest University in Europe. The Engineering Faculty is located in the center of Rome, a few steps from the Colosseum and the Imperial Fora. The Symposium will provide the opportunity to gather complementary skills from different fields, with a focus on networking and measurement, and discuss recent results and trends on related highly interdisciplinary topics:

» Measurements for networking 

• Methods and techniques for networks performance assessment 
• Applications of Big Data analytics and AI/ML to network measurements and analysis 
• Measurement issues in Internet of Things 
• Methods and techniques for industrial networks 
• QoE and QoS assessment in computer networks 
• Traffic analysis and monitoring 
• Characterization of network equipments and mobile networks 
• Measurements in Software Defined Networks 
• In-service testing 
• Protocol analysis 
• Out-of-service measurements 
• Conformance and interoperability testing 

» Networking for measurements

• WSN design, implementation and application 
• WSN performance assessment 
• Synchronization issues 
• Indoor and outdoor positioning 
• Distributed measurement systems 
• Sensor networks and IoT for smart environments 
• Sensor networks for energy management and optimization 
• Fog computing-based sensor networks 
• Software-defined networks for measurement applications 
• Cognitive and software-defined radios in measurements 
• Software-defined measurements 
• Vehicular networks 
• Technologies for smart metering  and smart grid 
• Networks for underwater systems 
• Design and characterization of cyberphysical measurement systems 
• Network design for intrinsically-secure sensitive measurement delivery 

» Measurements for security in networks 

• Anomaly and intrusion detection 
• Big Data Analytics and Metrics 
• AI/ML applications for cybersecurity and privacy 
• Wireless and Mobile Network Security 
• Privacy and Security in Clouds 
• Application-Level Trust and Security 
• Coexistence and interference problems in wireless networks 
• EMC and Signal integrity problems 

» Standardization issues in measurement and networking 

• Current standardization activity 
• New standard proposals 
• Measurement issues open to standardization
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2023-12-05
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