Conference Information
IEEE APSCON 2025: International IEEE Applied Sensing Conference
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Hyderabad, India
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Call For Papers
Tracks Definition

Track 1 Agriculture and Food Technology

Sensors and Systems for micro/macro nutrients, water conservation, soil health monitoring, IoT solutions for making agriculture sustainable and profitable.

Automation in agriculture, use of sensors for precision agriculture, irrigation, fertilization and pest control to the specific needs of different areas within a field, use of sensor data for analytics for yield growth, to design AI based model, training and measuring effectiveness.

Sensors and sensing used in food processing to monitor and control temperatures during cooking, baking, refrigeration, storage, packaging, transportation. Quality and nutrients analysis. Balance diet, healthy lifestyle.

Track 2 Surface, Air, and Water Transportation

Warnings and assistance to drivers, lane centering, adaptive cruise control, sensors for self-driving at all times, traffic management, improve safety, reduce pollution, infotainment.

Auto-piloting, autonomous driving, use of sensors for advanced driver-assistance systems for safe operation of a vehicle, sensors based interface for road safety, detecting nearby obstacles or driver errors, and design of response system.

Sensor network for city and highway transport management system, development of anti-collision system particularly for train transportation network, automatic traffic signal system.

Sensors and Systems for oceanographic data collection, water pollution and environmental monitoring, offshore oil exploration, marine disaster management, assisted navigation, monitoring marine ecosystem, tactical surveillance applications, underwater communication, and ocean climate recording.

Track 3 Medical and Digital Healthcare

All types of wearable medical devices and internet of things gadgets to enable continuous patient monitoring and treatment even when patients are at remote locations.

Use of sensors and sensing system for diagnosis, AR/VR based systems, development of robotic surgery.

Development of sensors based support system for rehabilitation, trauma care centres.

Remote healthcare and health monitory, AI based system for development of predictive healthcare system based on sensors data, role of sensors in critical healthcare systems.

Track 4 Industry 5.0, Manufacturing and Automation

Cognitive system, use of IoT for managing robots performing tasks efficiently, deep learning models to improve decisions using big data coming from sensors, Sensors and systems to monitor different industrial processes for health and safety purposes, data collection, analytics, remote operation, smart manufacturing. Sensors and systems for achieving carbon-neutral in industry practices.   

Integration of heterogeneous sensing and communication to enhance resilience, reliability and confidence. Approaches for convergence of communication, sensing and localization in one integrated platform.

Track 5 Environment and Infrastructure Monitoring

Cost-effective, networked sensors and systems to monitor air pollution, water quality, , soil, sediments etc., bio-diversity. Unusual variation of environmental parameters etc., sensors and systems for addressing climate changes.               

Sensors and systems for structural health monitoring, prediction of catastrophic events, prevent un-authorized access to a restricted area, anomalies in the functioning of electrical equipment, Disaster response system.

Sensors and systems for non-intrusive and networked monitoring of critical installations, airports, transport vehicles, homes etc., including homeland and defence security.

Track 6 Robotics and Digital Twin

Use of robotics in all aspects of life and lifestyles, human-centred robots, AI controlled robots, cyborgs, nanobots and robots, applications of drones and robots in traffic control, environment monitoring, pollution control, farming, wild-life protection, illegal mining control, tourism, oceanography, hospitality sector, etc.

Multi-robot system and application, sensors data for developing Generative AI Models for robots learning and control.

Design of digital twin using sensors, Digital sensory experiences of visual, audio, haptic, and other technologies, sensors to augment our senses etc. Internet of senses, beyond vision and sound, how an IoS based system can allow humans to simultaneously sense the world by means of touch, smell, and taste.

Digital twin for manufacturing automation, disaster management, product design, surveillance and security systems.

Track 7 IoT, Wearables and Immersive Technologies

Applications of IoT, wearables and immersive technologies in sports, entertainment, education, healthcare, agriculture, power and energy sector, disaster management, tourism, etc.

Sensors and systems for monitoring and improving the athletic performance, creating fair judgement, increasing participant interaction for online and off-line sports and gaming for an immersive experience.

Learning through gamification, education (teaching-learning efficiency) penetration using immersive technologies, satellite communication, remote management.

The real-time IoT sensor data handling, deluge of unclean sensor data and resource-consumption cost, how to process IoT sensor data, fusion with other data sources, and analyses to produce knowledgeable insight into hidden data patterns for rapid decision-making.

Track 8 Smart Cities and Villages

Sensors and systems for optimum utilization of natural resources and energy, transport planning and mobility, environmental sources of pollution, security and safety, water distribution and harvesting, logistics, supply-chain, improvement of quality of life and happiness index in city and village both.

Sensing system for safety, security and environmental sustainability of energy production, distribution, storage and consumption. Green energy, renewable energy, sensors based applications for generating, consuming and storing solar, wind, hydroelectric, ocean/tidal, geothermal, biomass and hydrogen energy.

Track 9 Sensors Interfaces and Sensors Analytics

Wireless and wired interfaces to communicate with sensors on I2C, WiFi, Bluetooth, RF, Microwave, SSI, UART or some similar protocol. Interfaces that enable a system to read out information from the input signal generated by complex sensors, providing a suitable output signal that is easy for a host system to display or process. Applications could be anything, such as adulteration detection in food materials and petroleum products, microwave sensing and imaging applications, biomedical sensing applications, portable radar for medical applications, smart city, smart healthcare systems, smart building, smart transport and smart environment.

Hardware interface elements such as antennas, actuators, transducers, touchscreens, knobs, buttons, sliders and switches as well as input sensors such as microphones, cameras, accelerometers etc.

Crowdsensing and participatory sensing systems for applications such as surveillance, security, etc. Big data applications, Deep learning and machine learning models for sensors acquired data, data and signal processing, data denoising, data outlier detection, missing data imputation and data aggregation. The necessity of data fusion and fusion methods such as direct fusion, associated feature extraction, and identity declaration data fusion, data analysis integration with emerging technologies, such as cloud computing, fog computing and edge computing, towards various challenges in IoT sensor network and sensor data analysis.

Track 10 Quantum Sensors and Emerging Technologies

Quantum Sensors - theory, fundamentals and applications in biomedical, seismology, Metrology, Imaging, Lithography etc. Quantum entanglement, Quantum Measurement, Quantum Computing, Quantum Communication

Sensors based emerging technologies and their applications.

Track 11 Other Novel Applications

Sensing for Education, gamification, entertainment, music sectors, Sensors and systems for delivery, supervision, assessment and social interaction to measure, monitor and provide real-time learning outcome information with a goal to improve learning outcomes.

Sensing and sensors applications in instrumentation, NEMS, MEMS.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-06-10
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