Conference Information
ICCPA 2025: International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Analysis
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Anshan, China
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Call For Papers
2025 5th International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Analysis

The 5th International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Analysis (ICCPA 2025) will be held in Hohhot, China on May 16-18, 2025. ICCPA 2025 brings together scholars, researchers, engineers and entrepreneurs in the field of computer vision and pattern analysis from around the world, aiming to build an important platform to promote academic exchange and sharing of results, and jointly discuss the latest research results and development trends in the field. Be inspired and inspired by the experiences of other researchers to advance the technological development in these fields and deepen academic research. 

We warmly welcome experts, scholars and professional and technical personnel engaged in relevant technical research to actively contribute and attend the conference.

Topics include but are not limited to the following areas:

1.  Computer vision and applications 

-High resolution photoelectric imaging system
-Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging techniques
-Real-time photoelectric tracking and positioning system
-Advanced Materials and design for photoelectric sensors
-Photoelectric imaging of space and deep ocean
-Applications of photoelectric imaging in robotics
-Quantum optoelectronic technology and quantum imaging
-Nanoscale optoelectronic imaging technology 

2.  Signal Processing and analysis

-Image deep learning processing technology
-Pattern recognition and analysis
-Data fusion and multi-sensor system
-Computational optical imaging and reconstruction
-Image compression and transmission
-Wavefront sensing and correction techniques
-Nonlinear optics signal processing
-Signal Optimization and noise suppression in optoelectronic devices

3. Advanced Technology and innovative applications	

-Application of lidar technology in photoelectric system
-Photonic crystals are integrated with optoelectronics
-Application of photoelectric technology in imaging
-Remote sensing based on photoelectric technology
-Optoelectronic applications in augmented reality and virtual reality
-Design and control of adaptive photoelectric system
-Applications of optoelectronic technology in unmanned aerial vehicles and autonomous vehicles
-Wearable optoelectronic equipment and systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-01-09
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