Conference Information
Digital Twin 2023: IEEE International Conference on Digital Twin Date: |
2023-03-30 |
Notification Date: |
2023-05-15 |
Conference Date: |
2023-08-25 |
Location: |
Portsmouth, UK |
Viewed: 5727 Tracked: 0 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
Introduction Digital twin, as a recent iconic phrases of fashions, has been coined and broadened somewhat in that it is now being extensively applied, or rather used, to characterize a variety of digital simulation models that run alongside real-time processes that pertain to social and economic systems as well as physical systems since its inception. It is even conceivable that latency between when data is received from the basic system and when the users closest to the system can use is often short enough to enable good corrective actions. Progress towards digital twins will surely enable us to gain ever deeper insights into the nature of reality and its virtual form. How close we can get to the real thing is a collective exploration we are about to embark upon as a society. The 2023 IEEE International Conference on Digital Twin will provide a high-profile, leading-edge forum for researchers, engineers, and practitioners to present state-of-art advances and innovations on Digital Twin, as well as to identify emerging research topics and define the future of Digital Twin. We seek submissions of papers which invent new techniques, introduce innovative methodologies, and propose new research directions in advanced digital twin theories, methods, implementations, and applications. Topics Track 1: Digital Twin Fundamentals Concepts and theories Architecture and frameworks Methodology, lifecycle and processes Data-driven based modelling and technologies Simulation based approach and technologies Multi-physics and multi-scale simulation Model-based system engineering Computational dynamic modelling and simulation Dynamic prediction and projection Track 2: Digital Twin Interaction and Communication Physical/Virtual twin communication, e.g. real-time or off-time Physical/Virtual twin interaction, e.g. adaptability Distributed digital twin systems Digital twin interoperability Cooperative/Collaborative digital twin Digital twin network and organisation Distributed machine learning for digital twins Twins and user interactions User interface for digital twin Track 3: Digital Twin Security and Privacy Threat modelling in digital twin Cybersecurity for digital twin Cross-layer defence for digital twin Digital twin for cybersecurity Privacy protection in digital twin Blockchain-based digital twin Track 4: Digital Twin Systems and Applications Development tools and platforms Standardization and regulation Servitization of digital twin Automation and manufacturing Healthcare Smart Cities and transportations Automotives and aerospace Sustainable Energy
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-01-22
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