Conference Information
SEEE 2022: International Conference on Smart Energy and Electrical Engineering
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Wuhan, China
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Call For Papers
2022 International Conference on Smart Energy and Electrical Engineering (SEEE 2022)  will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Smart Energy

1.Smart Match of Supply with Demand for Smart Cities;
2.Intelligent Storage for Smart Cities;
3.Centralized Control System for Smart Cities;
4.Smart Microgrids for Smart Cities;
5.Grid stability and reliability on smart energy infrastructures;
6.Accurate demand forecast on smart energy Infrastructures for smart cities;
7.Efficient demand-side management on smart energy infrastructures;
8.Energy storage operations for Smart Cities;
9.Intelligent energy transfer within smart home appliances
10.RL-based smart appliances
11.Communication among appliances for energy sharing
12.Support of real-time decisions in SHs/SBs/smart communities
13.Machine- and deep-learning techniques for energy efficiency of SHs/SBs/smart communities
14.Home Edge Computing for energy management
15.Concepts related to human-appliances interactions
16.IoE for intelligent decision algorithms
17.Integrating ambient energy sources with smart home appliances
18.Data analytics of smart energy data
19.Integration of renewable energy sources with smart home appliances
20.Application of artificial intelligence technology in energy systems
21.The core technology of intelligent energy equipment
22.Cyber-physical systems and information security of smart energy
23.Application and management of smart energy
24.Digitalization of energy
25.Energy Internet

Electrical engineering

1.Power system and its automation
2.Theory, operation, monitoring and diagnosis of large motors
3.Power electronics and electric drives
4.High voltage and insulation technology
5.Electromagnetic compatibility of power systems
6.New sensors
7.Electrician theory and new technologies
8.Electric drives and their applications
9.Electrical traction systems and controls
10.Application of artificial intelligence in power systems
11.Smart grid technology and applications
12.New motor and its intelligent control technology
13.Electromagnetics of electrical materials
14.Control Theory and Applications of Optoelectronics
15.Intelligent system sensors
16.Flexible manufacturing systems
17.Confusion and nervous system
18.Instrumentation and vibration control
19.Nonlinear systems and controls
20.Distribution automation system

*The other related areas
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-05-01
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