Conference Information
IoTML 2024: International Conference on Internet of Things and Machine Learning
Submission Date:
2024-08-19 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Nanchang, China
Viewed: 6162   Tracked: 1   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

◕ Convergence of IoT and Machine Learning

1. IoT and machine learning in edge computing
2. IoT and machine learning approaches for smart decision making
3. Machine learning algorithms for IoT data analysis and prediction
4. real-time machine learning and reasoning in IoT environments
5. machine learning optimization algorithms for IoT applications
6. machine learning techniques for IoT security and privacy protection
7. machine learning models and evolutionary algorithms for IoT systems
8. machine learning applications in IoT sensing and decision making
9. IoT and machine learning in multi-intelligent systems
10. Machine learning-based resource management and optimization in IoT

◕ IoT Applications and Optical Technologies

1. Optical sensing technologies for IoT applications
2. Optical technology-based design of IoT devices
3. Optical Technology in IOT Data Storage and Processing
4. Optical orientation techniques in IoT communications
5. IoT security and privacy protection
6. IoT extensions and innovations
7. Optical sensing and machine learning combined for IoT applications
8. Optical technologies to optimize IoT data transmission and processing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-17
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