Conference Information
PCT 2024: Parallel Computational Technologies
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Chelyabinsk, Russia
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Call For Papers
The scope of the conference includes, but not limited to, the following topics:

Parallel and distributed computing technologies. Universal high-level languages and libraries for parallel programming. Methods, algorithms and tools for analysis, debugging and optimization of parallel programs.

Cloud computing. Universal technologies and cloud engineering systems. Cloud systems middleware. Cloud computing economics.

Prospective multiprocessor architectures. Reconfigurable and hybrid multiprocessor systems. Emerging multiprocessor architectures. Multiprocessor systems with multicore accelerators. Modeling, development and testing of new hardware architectures for high performance computing.

Big data and data mining. Parallel and distributed methods of big data processing. Data mining on multicore and multiprocessor systems.

Artificial neural networks and deep learning. Parallel methods and algorithms for learning deep neural networks.

Management, administration, monitoring and testing of multiprocessor systems. Methods, algorithms and tools of management, administration and monitoring of multiprocessor systems. Parallel storage systems. Testing methods development for performance evaluating of multiprocessor systems.

Computational Mathematics. Solution of computationally intensive mathematical problems using multiprocessor computer systems. Use of multiprocessor systems for solving problems in mathematical economics and optimization.

Computational Physics. High-performance modeling of physical processes.

Computational Chemistry. High-performance modeling of chemical processes.

Gas Hydrodynamics and heat transfer. Theory and practice of solving problems of computational gas hydrodynamics on supercomputers and distributed computing environments.

High nonlinear and rapid processes in mechanics. Use of supercomputer technology to analyze high nonlinear and rapid processes in solid and liquid mechanics.

Bioinformatics and medicine. High-performance computing in bioinformatics, bioengineering and medicine.

Nanotechnology. High-performance computing in nanocomposites modeling.

Geoinformatics. Use of supercomputer technologies in geoinformatics, including climate process modeling and solving ecological problems.

Cryptography. Parallel methods and algorithms of encryption and protection confidentiality and authenticity of information.

Image processing and visualization. Parallel methods and algorithms for image processing and visualization of results of scientific computing.

Computer algebra. Parallel methods and algorithms for symbolic computation.

Supercomputer SEC. Experience in establishing scientific-educational centers that focus on popularization and implementation of supercomputer technology in education, science and technology. Methods of teaching parallel computing technologies. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-01-21
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