Conference Information
WEB 2023: International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments Date: |
2022-12-01 |
Notification Date: |
2023-01-20 |
Conference Date: |
2023-03-13 |
Location: |
Barcelona, Spain |
Years: |
11 |
Viewed: 6889 Tracked: 1 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
The Web has changed the way we share knowledge, the way we design distributed services and applications, the way we access large volumes of data, and the way we position ourselves with our peers. Successful exploitation of web-based concepts by web communities lies on the integration of traditional data management techniques and semantic information into web-based frameworks and systems. WEB 2023, The Eleventh Conference on Building and Exploring Web-based Environments, continues the inaugural conference on web-related theoretical and practical aspects, focusing on identifying challenges for building web-based useful services and applications, and for effectively extracting and integrating knowledge from the Web, enterprise data, and social media. We solicit both academic, research, and industrial contributions. We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the above topics short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals. Industrial presentations are not subject to the format and content constraints of regular submissions. We expect short and long presentations that express industrial position and status. Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are encouraged. The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas. All topics and submission formats are open to both research and industry contributions. WEB 2023 conference tracks: Trends on WEB-based services/applications Audio-Visual Web applications; Social media interactions; Distributed Internet services; Web fora; Web-based personalized recommendations; Co-evolving online activities; Web novelty-seeking; Web shocking news; Personalized Web search; Web search and mining; Web-based planing; Web-based situation-aware applications; Collaborative multimedia; Contextualizing news articles; Web photo tagging; Opinion-based Web services; Interactive keyword search; Internet advertising services; Online personal assistants; Collaborative writing; Social media posts; Web and urban environments; Web-based disaster management; Web-based practical reasoning; Spamming detection; Reasoning models for the semantic Web; Online Web experiments; Web template extracting; Web deep browsing; Discovering Web content vulnerabilites; Ad hoc exploratory search; Malvertizing; Web tweeting cameras; Web rumor/regret detection; Streaming documents; Web tables; Reputation-as-a-Service; Ethical Web research; Topic-aware source locating services; Anonymous Web traffic; Facebook user profiling; Users Webfootprints; Ad hoc exploratory search; Online maps services; Web-based context extraction; Microblogs; End-User Web automation tools; Web search queries; Web search as medical services; Web tracking; Web Authentication Systems; Web social ecosystems; Collaborative filtering recommenders; Web scale applications; Online auction services Trends on WEB-based data processing/analytics Linked open data-based semantics; Linked data provenance; Web-crowd perspectives; Homogeneous unstructured data; Ontology-based data specification; Context-sensitive Web data; Web ontology; Web stream reasoning; Semantic views; Semantic data streams; Pervasive Web and mobility; Mining Web-scale knowledge graphs; Web page metadata; Homepage relevance; Web multi-view inconsistency; Web-based graph analytics; Web-based infrastructure; Web content analytics; Geo-social Web Analytics; Web approximating semantics; Web latent semantic; Generation of Dataset Metadata; Web and Data-driven diagrams; Web components composition; Web self-adaptive API; Semantic Web technologies; Curating open data; Geotagging social-media posts; Statistical linked data; Sparse user-generated data; Human-centered entity linking; Transfer deep learning; Mobile Web cache; RDF data; Web private-preservation; Web vulnerabilities in browsers; Tabular Data on the Web; Web linguistic changes; Web-based systems security; Web preferences; Web pattern semantics; Modeling web user activities; Twitter data analytics; Web knowledge graphs; Collaborative annotation; Fast keyphrase extraction; Web of data Smart Mobile Web Integrated mobile web ecosystems; Smart and intelligent mobile systems; Enterprise mobile apps; Mobile commerce and services; Mobil friendly web design; Responsive web design; Smart mobile solutions; Personalization of mobile web; Smart mobile apps experiences; Social media and smart mobile web; Mobile pervasive and ubiquitous applications; Mobile e-commerce statistics; Mobile hybrid applications; Web-to-Apps; Smart mobile pages; Smart mobile wallets; Web-enabled mobile devices; Web, Mobile, and IoT apps; Industrial applications and demos; Accessories and wearable technologies; Smart web testing. Web fundamentals Web architectures; Web engineering; Web applications; Web services and information management; Behavioral analysis and personalization; Crowdsourcing systems and Social Media; Content analysis; Pervasive Web and Mobility; Social Networks and Graph Analysis; Web search systems and applications; Web Infrastructure: Datacenters, Content Delivery Networks, and Cloud Computing; Internet Economics and Monetization Communities Adaptive social Web; Web communities; Web-based collaboration; Community Q/A on the Web; Web user modeling for e-learning; Web user profile representation; Web user profile evolution; Web user data collection; Web identity management; Web search engine evaluation; Web search and meta-search Uncertain Web Services Uncertainty-aware QoS; Uncertainty in Web service compositions; Discovering services under uncertainty; The uncertainty-enabled model web; Trust assessment for Web services under uncertainty; Uncertainty in chained Web services; Uncertainty propagation; Representing and simulating uncertain environmental variables; Quantifying, managing and communicating uncertainty; Uncertainty Markup Language (UncertML) Skyline Services Skyline services composition; QoS-based skyline selection; Dominant Web services; Spatial skyline computation; Selecting dynamic skyline services; Skyline metrics and criteria; Parallelization of skyline computation; Progressive skyline computation; Skyline optimization for Web service composition; Skyline applications (Peer-to-Peer, Demographic, etc.); Benchmarks for skyline computation Semantic Web Designing and Programming New semantic web programming paradigms; Visualizing Web data and big data; Programming patterns for semantic search; Metrics for data quality; Platforms, methodologies and tools for semantic web design; Linked data and deep web; Development of interoperable web applications; Data analysis of semantic web; Mashing up data and processes; Big data and semantic representation; New semantic-enabled capabilities and existing IDEs; Provenance of semantic data, processes and services; Web-based database integration; Semantic intelligence on the Web; Linked-data enhanced social learning and Web intelligence; Programming semantic mining and retrieval mechanisms; Searching Social Web mining; Information integration on the Web; Learning via Web; Web accessibility; User profiles on the Web; Mobile Web; Multimedia on the Web; Features Quality in Web engineering; Security Web data; Semantic Web; Wireless Web; Web graphs; Web-based emergence and self-organization; Text Understanding and Representation; Text Complexity, Readability, and Trust Measurement; Privacy and security; Trust and reputation; Access control; Policies and policy languages Human-Web Interaction Natural language interfaces; Keyword-based query interfaces; Hybrid query interfaces; Emotional behavior; Adaptive Web interfaces; Learning User Profiles; Personalized Interfaces; Remembrance Agents; Interaction visualization; Social and psychological challenges Web Accessibility Design approaches, techniques, and tools to support Web accessibility; Best practices for evaluation, testing reviews and repair techniques; Accessibility across the entire system lifecycle; Accessibility within e-organizations: good practices and experiences; Industry and research collaboration, learning from practice, and technology transfer; Mobile Internet-Web Accessibility; Developing user interfaces for different devices; Dealing with different interaction modalities; Web authoring guidelines and tools; Accessibility and other core areas related to the Web user experience; (UX): Usability, Findability, Valuability, Credibility, etc.; Innovations in assistive technologies for the Web; Accessible graphic formats and tools for their creation; Adaptive Web accessibility; Accessibility and information architecture; Universally accessible graphical design approaches; User Profiling; Cognitive and behavioral psychology of end user experiences and scenarios Services and Applications Web services; Web wisdom; Web-based notification systems; Web messaging; Web DBs; Web-based database integration; Business intelligence on the Web; Web-based multimedia search and retrieval; Mobile commerce and business services; Linked-data enhanced social learning; Web intelligence; Web (temporal) analytics; Deep Web; Location-aware Web applications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-10-16
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Related Journals
CCF | Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher | ISSN |
c | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | 11.70 | IEEE | 1551-3203 |
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking | 5.300 | IEEE | 2473-2400 | |
Computers and Geotechnics | 5.300 | Elsevier | 0266-352X | |
International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications | SDIWC | 2220-9085 | ||
Electronic Journal of e-Learning | Academic Publishing Limited | 1479-4403 | ||
Semantic Web | 3.000 | IOS Press | 1570-0844 | |
Advances in Optical Technologies | Hindawi | 1687-6393 | ||
Entertainment Computing | 2.800 | Elsevier | 1875-9521 | |
c | Expert Systems with Applications | 7.500 | Elsevier | 0957-4174 |
Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | 11.70 | IEEE |
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking | 5.300 | IEEE |
Computers and Geotechnics | 5.300 | Elsevier |
International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications | SDIWC | |
Electronic Journal of e-Learning | Academic Publishing Limited | |
Semantic Web | 3.000 | IOS Press |
Advances in Optical Technologies | Hindawi | |
Entertainment Computing | 2.800 | Elsevier |
Expert Systems with Applications | 7.500 | Elsevier |