Conference Information
AIAM 2020: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacture
Submission Date:
2020-12-10 Extended
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Viewed: 13413   Tracked: 4   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacture(AIAM2020)welcomes author submission of original and significant contributions. Each submission is anonymously reviewed by an average of two independent reviewers, to ensure the final high standard and quality of submitted papers.Topics include but not limited to:


1.Artificial Intelligence

1.1 Neural networks and applications 	1.7 Intelligent information system
1.2 Biometric identification 	1.8 Affective computing
1.3 Data mining 	1.9 Fuzzy logic and soft computing
1.4 Knowledge discovery 	1.10 Pilotless automobile
1.5 Machine learning 	1.11 Unmanned aerial vehicle
1.6 Knowledge discovery 	1.12 Natural language processing

2.Advanced Manufacturing

2.1 Sustainable manufacturing 	2.7 Digital manufacturing
2.2 Internet + manufacturing 	2.8 Computer aided design and manufacturing
2.3 Flexible manufacturing 	2.9 Advanced materials and manufacturing technology
2.4 Agile manufacturing 	2.10 Capacitive to digital conversion
2.5 Virtual manufacturing 	2.11 3D Printing and applications
2.6 Intelligent manufacturing 	2.12 Advanced system management technology

3.Application of artificial intelligence in transportation, energy and bioengineering, etc.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-11-28
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