Conference Information
iCSmartGrid 2020: International Conference on Smart Grid
Submission Date:
2020-05-10 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Paris, France
Viewed: 8248   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The purpose of the International Conference on Smart Grid (icSmartGrid2020) is to bring together researchers, engineers, manufacturers, practitioners and customers from all over the world to share and discuss advances and developments in Smart Grid research and applications.

After the successes of the first and the second editions of Smart Grid Workshops on behalf of European Commission Joint Research Centre at Antalya in September 18-20, 2013 and in September 23-25 April, 2014, the third edition is at Istanbul in February 22, 2015, the fourth edition is at Istanbul in April 28, 2015, fifth edition is at Istanbul in March 21-25, 2016 with the technical co-sponsorship of IEEE IES, the sixth edition is at Nagasaki in December 4-6, 2018 with technical co-sponsorship of IEEE IES and IAS, the seventh edition at Newcastle, Australia in December 9-11, 2019 with the technical co-sponsorship of IEEE IES and IAS, we are now organizing eighth International Conference on Smart Grid (icSmartGrid2020) at Paris, France. icSmartGrid2020 will continue promoting and disseminating the knowledge concerning several topics and technologies related to smart energy systems and sources. It is therefore aimed at assisting researchers, scientists, manufacturers, companies, communities, agencies, associations and societies to keep abreast on new developments in their specialist fields and to unite in finding alternative energy solutions to current issues such as the greenhouse effect, sustainable and clean energy issues.

The coverage of the Conference on Smart Grids includes the following areas, but not limited to:


In addition, Successful applications of smart grid, Smart grid policies, Integration of renewable energy sources to smart grid, Production of energy using smart grid technologies, Hybrid smart grid energy system technologies, Novel energy conversion studies in smart grid systems, Driving circuits for smart grid energy systems, Control techniques for smart grid energy systems, Performance analysis of smart grid energy systems under different loads, Computational methods and artificial intelligence studies in smart grids, Optimized power delivery and generation and Self-healing are included in the topics of Smart Grid Conference.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-05-09
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