Conference Information
ICROM' 2019: International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics
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Tehran, Iran
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Call For Papers

The 7th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics is organized by the Robotics Society of Iran (RSI) with the support of the Academy of Sciences of IR Iran, and collaboration of related scientific societies. This conference will be held to bring the relevant communities together, to exchange ideas and to create fruitful connections between active researchers and industrial professionals in these fields. The original research papers reported on the leading edge of science and technology will be peer-reviewed and presented in this conference, in order to consolidate the state of the art advancement in key areas of robotics and mechatronics.


The conference topics include (but are not limited to):

Industrial robots, serial manipulators, parallel manipulators, mobile and legged robots, humanoids, bio-inspired robots, flying robots, service robotics, social robotics, field robotics, underwater and space robots, probabilistic robotics, micro- and nano-robots, reconfigurable robots, workspace analysis, kinematics and dynamics, design and optimization, sensors, actuators, drivers, motion planning, trajectory generation, cooperation and coordination, object manipulation, motion and force control, cognitive robotics, machine vision, speech recognition, intelligent robots and mechatronics systems, learning robots, calibration, identification, telerobotics, haptics, telesurgery, visual servoing, rehabilitation, automation, field instruments, measurement systems, MEMS, opto-mechatronics, embedded systems, new and emerging frontier fields of advanced intelligent robotics and mechatronics.


The accepted and presented papers would be submitted to IEEE eXplore for indexing. It should be noted that the papers should follow all the rules governing ICRoM and IEEE to be eligible for indexing. The indexing follows IEEE rules and guidelines.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-06-18
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