Conference Information
NILES 2019: Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences conference
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Cairo, Egypt
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Call For Papers
NILES 2019 aims at providing a platform for researchers, engineers, academics and industrial professionals to present their recent research work and to explore future trends in various areas of engineering and technology. NILES 2019 will feature plenary speeches, industrial panel sessions, funding agency panel sessions, poster sessions, and invited/special sessions. Contributions are expected from academia, industry, and government agencies. NILES 2019 accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion on the IEEE Xplore. NILES 2019 will be organized into four tracks, with the list of technical areas in each track given below. Other research areas that fall within the four tracks are also welcomed. Proposals for workshops and special sessions on new topics or innovative applications are invited.

Track 1: Electrical Engineering and Technology
Bio-impedance measurement techniques
Smart agriculture
FPGA & ASIC design
VLSI Design
System on Chip and Embedded Systems
Memristor and Memristive systems
Fractional and Non-linear systems
Analog and digital signal processing

Track 2: Communication Engineering and Technology
Communication Systems and Applications
Ultra-Wideband Communications
Signal Processing and Applications
Cognitive Radio Communications
Communication Networks and Applications
Network Operations and Management
Fourth Generation Wireless
Wireless Optical Communications
Renewable/Sustainable Energy and Smart Grids

Track 3: Industrial, Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering
Robotics and Automation
Mechatronics Systems
Sensor Technologies
Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
Fluids & Thermal Systems
Dynamic Systems and Control
Dynamics and Mechanical Vibrations
Material Science and nanotechnology
Industrial systems manufacturing
Cooperative Intelligent Systems
Advances for Process Industries

Track 4: Computer Science and Engineering, Informatics, and Biomedical Engineering
Information Security and Computer Networks
Software Engineering
Multimedia, Web and Mobile Applications
Image, Speech, Audio and Video Processing
Intelligent Systems and Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning and Representation Learning
Parallel, Distributed and High-Performance Computing
Code Generation and Optimization
Computer Architecture and Quantum Computing
Computational Bioinformatics and Metagenomics
Embedded and Real-Time Systems 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-06-15
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