Conference Information
ITSIGUI 2020: International Conference on Innovation in Tourism Systems, Intelligent Gamification and User Interaction
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Las Palmas de Gran Ganaria, Spain
Viewed: 7082   Tracked: 0   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
This is an ideal environment for all people who want to present the results obtained in the application of software and hardware, in a thriving and progressive triad, such as the tourism industry, gamification applied to education, and the design of interactive contents for end users of the latest generation of multimedia systems, intelligent or not. The main areas of the conference are listed below.

Many conferences are focussed on specific aspects of tourism, gamification, learning, computer science, interfaces, user experiences, artificial intelligence, etc. and bring together leading experts in a particular field or sometimes on a specific technology. At such large conferences students are often marginalized or relegated to poster sessions. Our workshops, symposia, etc., are not a big scale and aim to promote dialogue between established professors and graduate students working on new directions. Hence topics from the whole range of artificial intelligence, big data, communicability, computer science, cultural heritage attraction, database and business intelligence, ecotourism, gamification design, human-computer interaction, information retrieval and data mining, learning analytics, ludification, machine learning, marine and coastal areas tourism, mobile computing, new technologies, serious games, software quality, tourism industry, etc. are welcomed. Last year’s workshops, symposia, etc., organized by ALAIPO and AInCI, for instance, included papers, research-in-progress, etc., on the topics (see below the alphabetical order).

All contributions –papers, research-in-progress, workshops, demos, posters and doctoral consortium, should be of high quality, originality, clarity, significance and impact. In the current international conference it is demonstrated how with a correct integration among professionals of formal and factual sciences interesting research lines in the following subjects: Augmented Reality, Big Data and Gamification, City Tourism, Communicablity, Computer Graphics, Design, Education, Entertainment Computing and Edutainment, Game-Based Learning, HCI, ICT, Interfaces, Methodologies, Multimedia Systems, Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Rural Tourism, Software Engineering, Tourism and Technology, User Studies, UX, and other computational areas are solicited on, but not limited to (alphabetical order):

Computer Science and Tourism

:: Climate Change and Tourism Impact
:: Computer Science for Cultural and Natural Heritage, Travel and Tourism
:: Data Science, Analysis and Computational Thinking
:: Database and Business Development
:: Digital and Social Market for Real and Virtual Tourists
:: Ecotourism
:: e-Tourism
:: Industrial Tourism: ICT Management and Development
:: Informatics for the Preservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage
:: Information Retrieval and Data Mining
:: Revenue Management
:: Web Design: Tourism Strategies

Intelligent Gamification

:: Games and Computer Graphics
:: Gamification in the Cloud
:: Intelligent Systems and Gamification as a Service
:: Interactive Narrative and Digital Storytelling
:: New Media and Games
:: Pedagogical Principles of Gamification
:: Pervasive/Ubiquitous Gaming
:: Player Behavior Modelling
:: Serious Games User Assessment
:: Video Game Design and Development

User Interaction

:: Assessing Personal Abilities through Mobile Multimedia Systems
:: Design for Multimodal Interaction
:: Emotions and Affective Interaction
:: Human-Computer Interaction: History, Technologies and Trends
:: Immersiveness, Multimedia and Virtual User Experiences
:: Interaction in Augmented Reality and Internet of Things
:: Interactive Narrative and Digital Storytelling
:: Natural and Adaptive User Interfaces
:: Social Computing and User Behaviour
:: UX and Interactive Systems: Learning, Entertainment and Realism
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-10-28
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