Conference Information
TEMSCON 2020: IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Society Conference
Submission Date:
2020-03-31 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Viewed: 9677   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
TEMSCON 2020 will bring together 200+ engineering leaders, researchers, educators, innovators, entrepreneurs, and students to gather at the conference to help advance the understanding and the state of practice related to successful technology and engineering management from around the world and focuses on the art and science of management and leadership driving innovation and change.

The greater Detroit area has a long history as a hub for engineering and manufacturing automobiles.  With the ever-accelerating progress on innovation and a push for mark-ready automated, connected and electrified vehicles, Detroit remains the heart of the automotive industry.  Southeast Michigan has also diversified its economic base in emerging technology areas including information technology, health care and biomedical, power and energy, advanced manufacturing, and higher education and research.  The conference provides a venue where different points of view interact to yield new understanding and ideas on leading innovation as well as the future of technology and engineering management.

TEMSCON 2020 Topics

    Innovating in rapidly changing markets, e.g. biotech and health care and manufacturing
    Leading and managing innovation and transformation
    Adopting new technologies:  challenges and risk mitigation
    Managing in-vehicle software versions and interoperability among the different vehicle ages & brands
    Understanding trends and applicability of new technologies
    Leveraging enterprise data, e.g., successful use of AI, analytics, blockchain and IoT
    Leading societal change, e.g., mobility, intelligent transportation, healthcare and public policy
    Enhancing industry, university, and/or government collaboration
    Developing personal skills for leading innovation initiatives
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-04-02
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