Conference Information
Future5V 2018: EAI International Conference on Future Intelligent Vehicular Technologies
Submission Date:
2018-09-30 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Guimaraes, Portugal
Viewed: 7374   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

The incorporation of information and communication technologies within vehicles and transportation infrastructure will revolutionize the way we travel today. The enabling technologies are intended to realize the frameworks that will spur an array of applications and use cases in the domain of road safety, traffic efficiency, and driver’s assistance. These applications will allow dissemination and gathering of useful information among vehicles and between transportation infrastructure and vehicles in pursuance of assisting people to travel safely and comfortably.  Although, transportation systems are evolving towards intelligent transportation systems, they face critical challenges and need to be addressed to emerge as Intelligent Vehicular Technologies (IVT).

Therefore, European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) has taken a step towards the realization of Future Intelligent Vehicular Technologies and invite both academic and industrial research community by organizing Future 5V conference in Guimarães, Portugal. Future 5V is an annual international conference by EAI (European Alliance for Innovation) and co-sponsored by Springer. Future 5V welcomes research articles in field of Vehicular networks, communications, software solutions, and artificial inteligence aproaches, covering theory and practice in the after mentioned field of study.

Intetain 2018 is part of the 4th annual Smart City 360˚Summit, promoting multidisciplinary scientific collaboration to solve complex societal, technological and economic problems of emerging Smart Cities.


Topics of interest include (but not limited to):

    Vehicular Technologies and Standards
    Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicles
    Intelligent Transportation Networks
    Intelligent Traffic Monitoring, Control and Management
    Advanced Public Transportation
    Advanced Modelling and Simulation Tools for IVT
    Air, Road, and Rail Traffic Management
    Advanced Emergency Management through IVT
    IVT User Services
    Sensors, Detectors and Actuators for IVT
    Big Data and Analysis for Vehicular Networks
    Cellular assisted IVT in 5G and beyond
    M2M Communication for Vehicular Networks
    Cloud Computing Practices for Vehicular Networks.
    Intelligent Cooperative Techniques and Systems
    Localization Algorithms and Services for IVT
    Secure Communication in IVT
    Future Perspectives for IVT
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-09-23
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