Conference Information
APC 2018: Amsterdam Privacy Conference
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Amsterdam, the Netherlands
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Call For Papers
The 2018 Amsterdam Privacy Conference (APC 2018) brings together researchers, practitioners, policy makers and professionals in the field of privacy to share insights, exchange ideas and formulate, discuss and answer the challenging privacy questions that lie ahead of us. APC 2018 intends to be a lively forum to discuss privacy issues, held in the capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam.  

The conference will take place on 5-8 October 2018 at the intimate venue of the Roeterseiland in the heart of Amsterdam. It will include plenary sessions, parallel sessions, and panel discussions with invited speakers, as well as presentations from respondents to this call for papers. The goal of the conference is to bring together academics, policy makers, journalists, and practitioners to promote active discussion on timely topics, and foster debate on privacy issues between participants from various backgrounds and perspectives.

The themes of the Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2018
(1) The Digital Society and Surveillance
(2) Data commodification and business opportunities
(3) Smart healthcare, homes and cities
(4) The regulation of the information society
(5) Personalized Communication and Behavioural Engineering
(6) Privacy and Democracy
(7) Value of Privacy
(8) Discrimination, inequality and immigration
(9) Responsibility and control
(10) Privacy enhancing technologies and encryption
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-04-08
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