Conference Information
ICSESS 2020: IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science
Submission Date:
2020-09-21 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Beijing, China
Viewed: 22793   Tracked: 26   Attend: 15

Call For Papers
2020 the 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS 2020) will be held on October 16-18,2020 in Beijing,China. This conference is sponsored by IEEE,IEEE Beijing Section.the conference will bring together the top researchers from Asian Pacific nations, North America, Europe and around the world to exchange their research results and address open issues in Deep Learning and Big Data;Intelligent System Architectures; Intelligent Web and Algorithm;Software Engineering and Service Science;Artificial Intelligence tools & Applications;Blockchain Technology and Systems. It is one of the leading international conferences for presenting novel and fundamental advances in the fields of New Generation Artificial Intelligence、Internet of Things、 System Model and Algorithm、Software Engineering and Blockchain Technology and Systems. All papers must be written in English and will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference. All accepted papers must be written in English and Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore. .  
Topics: The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest(but not limited to): 

Special Session:Blockchain Technology and Systems

Blockchain network and architecture design
Distributed database and ledger design and performance enhancement
DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)
Peer-to-Peer communication protocols
Distributed consensus algorithms and protocols
Smart contract design, programming, testing and workflow automation
Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)

Big Data and Intelligent Computing

Methods and Techniques for Software Development
Big data and Cloud Computing
Distributed Computing and Cooperative Computing
Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Computing
Semantic Analysis and Knowledge Engineering
Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
Computational Thinking and Education Analysis

Software Engineering:

Methods and Techniques for Software Development
Software Maintenance
Requirements Engineering
Object-Oriented Technologies
Model-driven Architecture and Engineering
Re-engineering and Reverse Engineering
Software Reuse
Software Management
Model Engineering
Software Architectures Design
Frameworks and Design Patterns
Architecture-Centered Development
Component-based Design
Middleware Components
Software Quality
Quality Management and Assurance
Risk Analysis
Program Analysis
Verification and Validation
Testing of Software Systems
Software Project Management
Software Evaluation

Computer Science and System:

Computer Apllication
System hardware and software Design
The Internet of things Enginering
Control System Application and Hybrid Systems
Robotics and Automation
Embedded software and System

Model and Algorithm:

Intelligence Algorithm
System Model and simulation
Virtual Reality and Simulation
Machine Learning and Neural Networks

Service Sciences

The Integration of Technology and Business Strategies
Geographic Information System
Management strategy in e-commerce enterprise
Service/Event Management & Manufacturing
Service Design, Engineering, Operations, and Innovations
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Material Flow (MF) Science and Technology
Knowledge Engineering and Management
Web Technologies and Information Management 

Computer Network and Application Technology

Communication Networks
Infrastructure for Next Generation Networks
Ubiquitous Computing and Ad-hoc Networks
Network and Data Security
Methodologies and development for high speed Network
Modulation, Coding and Multiple Access Schemes in Communications
Application of FPGA and DSP in Communication Devices and Networks
Parallel Computing and Mobile Computing

Web Information Systems and Applications

Web information mining and retrieval
Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery
Web services, SOA and Grid Computing
Deep web technology
XML and semi-structured data management
Semantic web and intelligent web
Multimedia data management
Web information engineering methodology
Web 2.0 and Social information network

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

Cloud Computing
Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery
Evolutionary Computation
E-service Intelligence
Genetic Algorithms
Machine Learning,
Neural Networks
Expert System
Decision Support System

Database System and Application

Database and Information System Architecture and Performance
Applications of DB Systems and Information Systems
Multi-databases and Database Federation
Temporal, Spatial, and High Dimensional Databases
XML and Databases
Distributed, Parallel, P2P, and Grid-based Databases


System and architecture of e-Government
The e-Voting issue and e-Democracy
Measuring e-Government/Economics
Policies of e-government
Legal, agency, trust and governance issues in e-Government
Applications, Case study and Challenges of e-Government

E-Business and E-Commerce

Network and Service Management
Grid Computing for e-Business
Service-oriented Architectures
E-Business Collaboration
Web and Mobile Business Systems and Services
Collaborative Business Systems
Supply-chain Management
CRM and Business Solutions
Workflow Management Systems

Other related theories, Technologies and applications

The Internet of things
Control System Application and Hybrid Systems
Robotics and Automation
Advanced Computer Control Technolody
Multimedia and Communication Systems
RFID System and Application
Decision Making and Information Retrieval
Data Analysis, Prediction and Model Identification 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-09-05
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