Conference Information
ICSP' 2019: International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Weihai, China
Viewed: 10177   Tracked: 3   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Signal Processing:
Biomedical Engineering
Control Algorithms
Embedded Reconfigurable, Evolvable Systems 	  
Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Information Theory & Coding 	  
Mixed Signal Processing
Multidimensional Signal Processing 	  
Radar Signal and Data Processing
Soft Computing Techniques 	  
Speech and Video Processing
VLSI architectures for high speed processing 	

Multimedia Signal Processing:
Streamed multimedia applications
Algorithms and implementations
Image and video processing 	  
Error concealment techniques
Management of multimedia services 	  
Test-beds and trials
Multimedia games 	

Internet Technologies:
Traffic modeling
Embedded Internet devices 	  
New and enhanced services
Resource and information management 	  
Adaptive QoS provisioning
End-to-end QoS 	  
Emerging technologies

Communication Theory and Techniques:
Channel measurements and modelling
Coding and modulation techniques
MIMO - theory and trials 	  
Spread Spectrum and CDMA systems
OFDM technology 	  
Space-time coding
Diversity techniques 	  
Ultra Wide-Band Communications
Antennas and propagation 	

Grid Computing
Mobile Computing
Mobile Databases 	  
Multimedia and VoIP Services & Technologies
Networking Protocols, Routing, Algorithms 	  
Network Security
Optical Networks 	  
Parallel and Distributed Architectures and Algorithms
Reliability and Fault-Tolerance 	 
VLSI for Network Processing
Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor and Bluetooth Networks 	
Fixed Networks:
Optical networks and switching
Network architectures and equipment
Programmable networks 	  
Test-beds and trials
New and enhanced services 	  
Network gaming

Antennas, Propagation and Transmission Technologies Avionics
Communication Software Techniques
Information Theory & Coding 	  
Multimedia Communications
Optical Communications 	  
RF and Microwave Communications
Robust Space and Satellite Communications 	  
Ultra-Wideband Communications
Wireless Communications and Technologies 	

Wireless Networks:
Mobile ad hoc networking
Personal area networking
Convergence of different network types 	  
Broadband Wireless Access
Cross Layer Design 	  
Mesh Networks
Cooperative Networks 	  
Sensor Networks
Home networking 	  
Test-beds and new applications

Information Security:
Security primitives and algorithms
Security of wireless and distribution networks
Programmable networks security 	  
Authentication and authorization
Data integrity
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-12-04
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