Conference Information
ICFCM 2021: International Conference on Frontiers of Composite Materials
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Conference Date:
Melbourne, Australia
Viewed: 9821   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

1. Additive manufacturing
2. Applications
3. Bio-based composites
4. Biomimetic composites
5. Ceramic matrix composites
6. Concrete and cementitious composites
7. Damage and fracture
8. Durability and ageing
9. Experimental techniques
10. Fibers and matrices
11. FRP reinforced concrete
12. Health monitoring
13. Hybrid composites
14. Infrastructure
15. Interfaces and interphases
16. Interlaminar reinforcements
17. Joint and bearing behaviour
18. Life cycle analysis and sustainability 	
19. Low cost technologies
20. Mechanical and physical properties
21. Metal matrix composites
22. Multifunctional composites
23. Multiscale modelling
24. Nanocomposites
25. Nanotechnologies
26. NDE technologies
27. Polymer matrix composites
28. Probabilistic approaches and design
29. Processing and manufacturing technologies
30. Recycling
31. Repair technologies
32. Sandwich technologies
33. Standardisation
34. Structural design
35. Testing and characterization
36. Textile composites
37. Wood and paper
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-05-09
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