Conference Information
HotICN 2018: IEEE International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking
Submission Date:
2018-05-20 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Shenzhen, China
Viewed: 9756   Tracked: 4   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
Topics of Interest

ICN Track

    ICN architecture and fundamentals
        Routing and forwarding
        Congestion Control
        Hybrid networks, such as Integration ICN with SDN or IPv6 or DNS
        Caching policy and management
        Smart ICN (AI in ICN)
        Data Center/High speed ICN
        Prototype equipments for ICN Deployement
    ICN mobility
        Producer/Consumer mobility, hand-over management
        5G ICN
        Vehicle Networks or dynamic networking
    ICN in IoT
        Fog Computing or Edge networks
        IoT-specific security
    Security Issues in ICN
        Privacy issues
        Caching related security problems
        Access Control
        Trust management
    ICN performance and evaluation
        Network Qos、Reliabiltiy
        System performance and Application oriented performance
        Green ICN (energy saving or cost reducing)
        Monitoring and debugging
        Testbed or benchmarking
    ICN-inspired applications and systems
        ICN advantages in Ad hoc network
        Tools, add-ons and thinner ICN systems
        Content distribution and P2P
        Distributed ICN algorithms and systems
        Cloud-based services, Database, Big data
        Streaming application and VR/AR
        Implementation challenges and experiences
    ICN analysis and theory
        Simulation or real system analysis (eg. Scalability or bottleneck)
        Fundemantal control and optimization theories
        Traffic Engineering
        Methodology and metrics

Blockchain Track

    Blockchain Technologies and Systems
    Distributed Consensus Algorithms
    Digital currency or Cryptocurrencies technologies
    Security, privacy and trust issues with blockchain schemes
    Performance and scalability optimization of blockchain system
    Testing, simulation and modeling
    Smart contracts and distributed ledger applications
    Innovative applications with blockchain technique(e.g. IoT, Fintech)

Knowledge Graph Track

    Information Extraction
        Knowledge extraction
        Named entity recognition, entity disambiguation and linking
        Relationship extraction, event extraction
        Semantic similarity / Metric learning
    Information Retrieval
        Algorithm, models and theory of IR
        Text filtering, mining, classification and clustering, Community mining
        Content Recommendation, Analysis and Classification
        Topic detection and summarization
        Interactive research, UI and visualizaion
    Knowledge Representation
        Knowledge representation learning
        Knowledge graph embedding, modeling
        Knowledge graph mapping, merging, reuse and alignment
        Quality issues, assessment metrics and measures in knowledge graphs
    Knowledge Graph Based Application
        Machine translation
        Question answering, Dialogue and interactive systems
        Use cases in natural language processing, knowledge management, data integration, data publishing, smart data access and analytics
        Specific applications in various verticals: medicine, business, industry and cultural heritage
Last updated by Qiuai Fu in 2018-05-15
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