Conference Information
AISI 2018: International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics
Submission Date:
2018-05-20 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Cairo, Egypt
Viewed: 10312   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics (AISI) is an interdisciplinary research field which involves researchers from information technologies, bioinformatics, computer science, medical informatics, biology, social studies, national Language processing, IOT, as well as robotics research. AISI’2018 conference aims for encouraging the integration of these research fields by providing a chance for academics, researchers, analysts, industry consultants, and practitioners in the fields involved to discuss and exchange recent progress in the area of informatics and intelligent systems technologies and applications. The conference has three major tracks (Intelligent Systems, Intelligent Robotics Systems, and Informatics).

Topics of interest for each track include (but are not limited to):

Intelligent Speech and Language Processing (ISLP)   Track chair Prof. Khaled Shaalan, kshaalan [at] 

    Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse, and the Lexicon
    Speech Recognition and Synthesis
    Natural Language Understanding and Generation
    Linguistic Knowledge Acquisition and Representation, Ontologies and Semantic Networks
    Lexical Resources, Corpus Linguistics and Anaphora Resolution
    Word Sense Disambiguation, spelling and grammar checking
    Machine Translation and Translation Aids
    Language Learning and Therapy
    Information Extraction, Information Retrieval, Question Answering
    Text Summarization and Classification
    Dialogue and Systems Evaluation

Intelligent systems

     Machine Learning
    Genetic Algorithms
    Neural Nets, Fuzzy Systems
    Rough sets, near sets
    Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy Control
    Knowledge Based Systems
    Expert Systems and Lazy learning
    Computing Machinery and Intelligence
    Computer Networks
    Mining of Massive Datasets
    Massive Data Analysis
    Massive Datasets Applications
    Algorithms for Modern Massive Data Sets
    Intelligent signal processing systems
    Bio-Inspired Systems
    Precision Farming
    Precision Agriculture

Intelligent Robotics Systems

    Human-Robotic Interaction
    Human-Robotic Interaction
    Control, Flexible Arm Control
    Pereception and Recognition
    Distributed robotics
    Evolutionary robotics
    Behavior-based robotics
    Biometrics and Bio-robotics
    Bio-morphics robotics
    Cognitive robotics
    Bio-Inspired Robotics Lab
    Sensory-Motor Systems
    Reasoning, and Learning
    Robotic Systems and Service
    Surgery Robotics
    Intelligent and autonomous systems
    Mathematical modeling and analysis of complex systems
    Knowledge based control systems
    Adaptive control systems
    Control applications in Intelligent robotics


    The Web and Business intelligence
    The Web and Business Intelligence
    Data mining and Big data analysis
    Healthcare Informatics
    Biomedical informatics
    Systems biology
    Medical imaging
    Medical informatics
    Informatics in education process
    Distributed multimedia
    Hypermedia information space
    Intelligent information retrieval
    Digital libraries
    Virtual and Augmented reality
    Signal and Speech processing
    Object recognition
    Image and video retrieval

Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics

The uses of Information Technology (IT) has increasedday which therefore ended to be every thing that we are doing, we can directly go through online on the spot. Information technology is any kinds of software or tools for keeping information, retrieve and sending the information using a certain type oftechnology such as computer, mobile phones, computer networks and more. With this IT, people are now able to upload, retrieve,store their information and collect information to Big Data. Since Big Data hold massive information with the use of IT such as the internet, students are now able to study online which is called as e-Learning. As the tools provided by Information Technology (IT) have increased continuously, these have affected all aspects of ourlives, specifically, in the area of academic. Big Data and e-Learning do bring people or the users specifically, both various benefits anddisadvantages because of its multi-function ability. Therefore, it affects our social skills, mental growth, physical and risks of invadingour personal information. Hence, the discussion from regular peopleperspectives to many other different perspectives such as, businesses perspectives, health care perspectives, government perspectivesand many more. The drive to incorporate more big data within organizations is a powerful one. The use of big data analytics has grown tremendously in just the past few years, and businesses are quickly catching on to what they stand to gain. At the same time, the Internet of Things (IoT) has entered the public consciousness, sparking people’s imaginations on what a fully connected world can offer. While separately the two trends give plenty of reason for excitement, combining the two only multiplies the anticipation.  The world is running on data now, and pretty soon, the world will become fully immersed in the Internet of Things.  This editing book is intended to present the state-of-the-art in research on Big data and IoT and related areas. 

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding which will be published by Springer (Pending Approval) in the series of “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing” and abstracted/indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus. 

Student Best Paper Award
Papers accepted and presented in the conference and their first author is MSc or PhD students will be given the opportunity to compete for the Best Paper Award. The entries of the competition should be presented at the conference by the student.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-05-01
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