Conference Information
EUCCO 2018: European Conference on Computational Optimization
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Trier, Germany
Viewed: 8091   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Below is a list of focus sessions, representing some of the central themes of the conference. When submitting an abstract for the conference, authors are able to choose what focus session (called ‚topics‘ during registration) they would like their abstract to be considered for.

    Finite dimensional nonsmooth optimization
    Shape and topology optimization
    Feedback control for large-scale systems
    Computational inverse problems
    Machine learning and PDEs
    Discretization and adaptivity
    Model order reduction and low-rank approximation for nonlinear problems
    Mixed-integer PDE-constrained optimization
    Optimization under uncertainties
    Linear algebra in computational optimization
    Mathematical imaging
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-11-30
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