Conference Information
WPC 2018: Wireless Power Congress
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Munich, Germany
Viewed: 8116   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The program committee of the Wireless Power Congress invites you to submit proposals for speaking opportunities, presentations (approx. 30 min) and workshops or tutorials (approx. 1.5 or 3 hrs.). In addition, we warmly invite academia to give an insight into their future-driven research and development. Papers are to be presented in English.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, trends, design, technology and applications in the following sectors:

	wireless power technologies
	transmitter and receiver design
	communication and data transmission
	security and safety
	international directives and regulatory issues
	power management
	multi receiver technologies
	wireless charging
	standards and interoperability
	system integration
	high power wireless power transmission
	energy harvesting and wireless power technologies for larger distances
	wireless power for industrial applications
	wireless power for health and medical applications
	wireless power for automotive applications
	wireless power for transportation
	wireless power for wearables and mobile devices
	EMC & interoperability problems
	wireless power for harsh environments
	semiconductors and components technologies
	power control technologies
	miniaturization and systems efficiency
	identification and foreign object detection
	test- and measurement tools for wireless power
	underwater wireless power transfer
	other topics out of the wide spectrum of “wireless power technologies”
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-09-30
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